Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today: We discussed Chapter 2 of the textbook which focuses on leisure education. Our small group discussions focused on 2 issues: a) Will leisure time grow or decline in the future, & what factors contribute to the growth or decline of leisure time in our society. b) Exercise 2.1: Ideal Material Wants vs Minimized Material Needs. We then, as a group, came up with reasons for why leisure time will either increase or decrease. Here are the main points to consider.
Factors Causing A Decline In Leisure Time
1) Limitless Materialism
2) Increase of women in the workforce
3) Increase in demand for service jobs
4) An increasingly complex society

Factors Causing An Increase In Leisure Time
1) Technology in the workplace and at home
2) Baby Boom generation retiring
3) Education

Homework: Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 3 from the textbook and Chapters 1 & 2 from Into The Wild. Quiz 1 will be on Thursday. Don't forget to come up with a Seinfeld trivia question for extra credit. See the study guide below.

-Read the 9/11 & sports article that goes with the documentary 9 Innings From Ground Zero
-Read Into The Wild Chapters 1 & 2
-Define "Leisure Time"
-Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure
-Views of Leisure (Classical View, Antiutilitarian View, Social Instrument View, Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class)
-Define "Limitless Materialism"
-Factors causing an increase in lesisure time (textbook)
-Factors causing a decrease in leisure time (textbook)

Today: We divided into smaller groups and discussed the job qualifications for the Assistant Director of Recreation Sports at Seattle University. This exercise led us into a group discussion about Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the following:
-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)

Homework: Develop a Job Description for the Director of Intramural Sports @ FPU. Divide groups for group presentation (3 groups of 4 & 1 group of 5). Read and be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 2. Quiz 2 will be on Thursday. Don't forget to come up with a Seinfeld trivia question for extra credit. See the study guide below.

-Main components of Human Resource Management (HRM)
-Types of employees (2 Classifications & 4 Special Types)
-Three categories/characteristics of all employees
-Components of a Job Description (3)
-Components of a Position Announcement (7)
-Staff Development Program for In-Service Training (4 elements)
-Reward System: Examples of common extrinsic rewards
-What does EEOC stand for
-What procedure should organization's outline for employees to take if they were sexually harassed (5 components)

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