Thursday, October 4, 2007


Today: We took Quiz#3 based on Chapter 5. We then finished our Chapter 5 discussion by taking a look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & Nash's Pyramid of Leisure to see how they explain our leisure participation in regards to needs fulfillment. To get an understanding for both of these theories we used exercises 5.2 & 5.3 in the textbook. We then discussed Chapters 5 & 6 from Into The Wild. We focused on a letter that Chris wrote to his friend Ron Franz that gives us, the reader, some insight into why Chris is on this journey.

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of Chapter 6 in the textbook. Enjoy the weekend.

Today: We took Quiz #4 based on Chapter 4. We then did an activity to finish up out Chapter 4 discussion. We looked at developing a Building Program Statement for a new FPU recreation facility. We looked at 3 aspects of the statement:
1) Objectives of the Programs
2) Basic Assumptions to be Addressed
3) Factors Affecting Planning

Homework: Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 5 for Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

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