Friday, February 22, 2008


ALL CLASSES: As we approach the mid-semester point, a couple reminders. 1) I expect that you come to class prepared (homework/reading, textbook, pen/pencil, notebook, etc.). 2) I expect, as we discuss the chapters, that you follow along with the textbook so you can answer questions and contribute to the discussion. The textbook should not be on your desk closed or in your bag, it should be opened to the chapter we are discussing.

-We took Quiz #4 based on Textbook Chapter 5 & Into The Wild Chapters 4 & 5.
-We discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & how it applies to leisure.
-We discussed Into The Wild and focused on a Tolstoy passage Chris had highlighted & the significance of Chris abandoning his car.

-I handed out a daily inventory. You should fill this out from Saturday-Wednesday. It is due next Friday. Keep track of the leisure and non-leisure activities you do over that time period and the amount of time you spend doing them.
-We will discuss Chapter 6 next week. Read & be ready to discuss.

IC212 (10:00)
-We took Quiz #4 based on Drucker Chapters 19 & 20.
-I passed back your research topic proposals. If you have a "see me" checked then you need to make an appointment with me to discuss. No one will be allowed to submit a paper without me first approving your topic.
-We discussed Drucker Chapter 20 and focused on the "dos" and "don'ts" of the principles of innovation.

-None! Enjoy the weekend.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: Class was canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #4 based on Drucker Chapters 19 & 20 on Monday.
-We will discuss Drucker Chapter 20 on Monday.
-Remember, if you received a "see me" or "disapproved" mark on your research topic proposal you need to make an appointment with me. Also, if you have not passed in a research topic proposal you need to do so ASAP. No one will be allowed to submit a paper without me first approving your topic.

TODAY: Once again, class was canceled due to weather. Have fun now, because you will be making up for all this lost class time next week.

-We will take Quiz #4 based on Chapter 4 on Monday and discuss Chapter 4.
-We will discuss Chapter 5 on Wednesday.
-We will discuss Chapter 6 on Friday.
-Quiz #5 on Friday will cover our Chapters 5 & 6 discussions.
-READ & be ready to DISCUSS these chapters next week.

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