Thursday, April 3, 2008


We took Quiz #8 based on textbook Chapter 10. After the quiz we discussed what I expect from the group presentations that start on Friday. Please remember that your 360 evaluation is due on the day of your presentation. You need to have it filled out prior to class and should be assessing yourself as well as all group members.

Group presentations start on Friday. Attendance to all presentations is mandatory.

IC212 (10:00)
Interesting Nag Factor article.

We took Quiz #7 based on The Corporation Chapter 4. After the quiz we began a discussion of The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6. Our discussion focused on corporate marketing/advertising to children, and the concept known as "The Nag Factor."

-Quiz #8 based on The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6
-Finish our discussion of The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6

PowerPoint Notes
-Define The Nag Factor
-Corporations prey on children's well-being in a marketing concept known as "opportunity in devastation." What are the 4 most common areas that comprise "opportunity in devastation?"
-Define: Bare Necessities Parents, Kids Pals' Parents, Indulgers, Conflicted Parents

Chapter 5
-What is Edison Schools?
-What is the "toaster with pictures?"
-What is Channel One?
-What is "undercover marketing?"

Chapter 6
-Bakan says that improving the legitimacy, effectiveness, and accountability of government regulation is currently the best, or at least most realistic strategy for controlling the corporation. To do so, he offers 4 general prescriptions. What are they?

IC212 (2:00)
Interesting Nag Factor article.

We took Quiz #7 based on The Corporation Chapter 4. After the quiz we began a discussion of The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6. Our discussion focused on corporate marketing/advertising to children, and the concept known as "The Nag Factor."

-Quiz #8 based on The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6
-Finish our discussion of The Corporation Chapters 5 & 6

PowerPoint Notes
-Define The Nag Factor
-Corporations prey on children's well-being in a marketing concept known as "opportunity in devastation." What are the 4 most common areas that comprise "opportunity in devastation?"
-Define: Bare Necessities Parents, Kids Pals' Parents, Indulgers, Conflicted Parents

Chapter 5
-What is Edison Schools?
-What is the "toaster with pictures?"
-What is Channel One?
-What is "undercover marketing?"

Chapter 6
-Bakan says that improving the legitimacy, effectiveness, and accountability of government regulation is currently the best, or at least most realistic strategy for controlling the corporation. To do so, he offers 4 general prescriptions. What are they?

-We took Quiz #8 based on Chapter 9. We then discussed the 360 evaluation as a grading component for the group presentations that will start next Monday.

-Press Release Assignment: As a facility manager, how would you handle a rain out? You are to write (type) two 1 page press releases. One should should explain why you decided to postpone the game, and one should explain why you decided to play the game. Give justification for each decision. What are the things you would need to consider when making your decision?
-I will collect these press releases, and effective ones could earn you an extra point added to your lowest quiz grade. Therefore, put some time & effort into them.
-Here is a link to the Yankees press release.

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