Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Multiplex Marketing article.

We discussed Drucker Chapters 10 & 11. We focused on the need for market research and the importance of focusing on satisfying your customers needs. We discussed the structures that allow people to be entrepreneurial as well as some things the entrepreneurial management of an existing business should not do.

-Quiz #3: Drucker Chapters 10, 11, 13, 14.
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 13 & 14.

Chapter 10 & 11
-Characteristics of entrepreneurship
-The 3 structures that all people to be entrepreneurial
-The don'ts of entrepreneurial management
-The 3 American companies that all set up their new ventures as a separate business
-The 3 problems with market research according to Drucker
-The marketing axiom
-The 2 key activities that top management needs to focus on
-The company that created the computer market
Chapters 13 & 14
-Define knowledge worker
-Knowledge workers 3 essential resources
-How management should manage knowledge workers to get the most production
-The 4 basic requirements to effective human relations

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