Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Fantasy sports article.
TODAY: We discussed Chapters 1 & 2 in Drucker. Our discussion topic was management and we covered its origin, evolution, the 3 management philosophies, and management's 3 essential tasks. We talked how war led to management's first era which was the Army Command Model which is a linear (top to bottom) structure. We then moved into the manufacturing/industrialization age which led management into an Assembly Line Model (lateral: left to right). Finally, we moved into the technology/service age where management has evolved into an Automation Model (teamwork & quality circles). We finished class discussing the 3 essential tasks of management: 1) Establishing the specific purpose & mission of the institution, 2) Making work productive & the worker effective, & 3) Managing social impacts & social responsibilities.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 3 & 4.
-4x6 notecard for Chapters 3 & 4.
-Quiz #1: Drucker Chapters 1-4.

Chapters 1 & 2
-The 3 management eras/philosophies.
-Define Scientific Management.
-State 2 main problems with assmebly line management.
-What is the one true business resource?
-3 areas where managment can be classified as a liberal art.
-7 management principles.
-3 essential tasks of management.
Chapters 3 & 4
-Define Profit Maximization & Profit Motive.
-What is the main pirpose of a business?
-The 2 basic functions of a business.
-5 business objectives.
-The best nonprofits devote a great deal of thought to defining what?

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