Monday, September 29, 2008


-We discussed the group Civic Engagement Project. We decided that the theme of the project will be a campus recycling & trash collection theme. There will be 3 subthemes to the project. 1) Trayless Thursdays. 2) Recycling Competition. 3) Campus Trash Clean-up.

-Sign up for a group to be a part of for the Civic Engagement Project.
-We will discuss 3CT Questions 5, 6, 7, 8.
5) What – according to 3CT – is the relationship between education and the war against terrorism? What might be the implications for current U.S. policy?
6) Through Mortenson’s experiences we get a glimpse into the world of Islam. How was this awareness critical to the success of his (and the Central Asian Institute) programs? What have you learned about Islam by reading 3CT?
7) It seems as if everywhere Mortenson turns he has to deal with politics. What were some of the political obstacles (local, regional, global) he had to overcome? What does his experience tell us about the relationship between politics and education?
8) According to 3CT, how does Mortenson characterize the concept of community? What is the relationship of the individual to his sense of community? As an individual, what specific steps might you be willing to take to meet the challenges posed by Three Cups of Tea? In other words, what next steps are you willing to take?

-We began discussing Chapter 4 based on your homework assignment from the weekend. We took a look at companies strengths & weaknesses and how, through collaboration, they can turn weaknesses into strengths.

-Finish reading Chapter 4 & be ready to discuss.

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