Tuesday, October 21, 2008


-We discussed the Inventory Assignment and looked at the major activities (leisure & nonleisure) in your lives that are taking up most of your time.
-We discussed Chapter 6. Our discussion focused on: the types of leisure goals, the ABC Rating System, Transition Time, The Swiss Cheese Approach, Procrastination/Aviodance Behavior, teh 80/20 Rule to Leisure, & Common Time Wasters.

-Quiz #6
-Read Into the Wild Chapters 10 & 11

-3 Types of Leisure Goals
-ABC Rating System
-Transition Time
-Swiss Cheese Approach
-80/20 Rule to Leisure
-Common Time Wasters (4)
-What is "life patterning?"
-What activity accounts for more leisure time than any other activity?
-What is REM sleep?

-I assigned you questions to answer from Chapter 8 and the articles that I handed out. Here is what each group is responsible for:
Group 1:
-What must concession managers understand? (Textbook)
-What are common concession problems? (Textbook)
-Explain: signage, sampling, body language, meeting expectations (Article)
Group 2:
-What is the Buying Fever Checklist? (Textbook)
-Explain: surprising results, defining demographics, healthy living, something old & something new, the aggressive scale (Article)
Group 3:
-Explain Bearman v. University of Notre Dame (Textbook)
-What are some alcohol sales strategies? (Textbook)
-What is "TEAM" & "FAM?" (Article)
-Explain "TEAM's" 2 goals & 4 strategy categories. (Article)

-Midterm Exam (Thursday)
-Chapter 8: above homework (Next Tuesday)
-Chapter 9 (Next Thursday)

-We discussed the Midterm Exam results.
-We did a group exercise based on Chapter 12.
-We discussed Chapter 12. Our discussion focused on: decision making, the rational & nonrational models of decision making, decision making styles, 4 styles of decision making, group aided decision making, & 4 rules to brainstorming.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 11.

-Define decision making.
-Be able to explain the 2 models of decision making.
-Be able to explain Simon's Normative Model & Garbage Can Model.
-What are the 2 dimensions of decision making styles?
-What are the 4 styles of decision making?
-What are some advantages/disadvantages of group aided decision making?
-What are the 4 rules to brainstorming?
-What are the 4 types of work teams?

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