Friday, February 27, 2009


-You took Quiz #4: Chapters 5 & 6 and Into The Wild Chapters 6-9.
-We finished our Chapter 6 discussion.

-Fill out the daily inventory worksheet.
-Read Chapter 7 & answer the following questions:
1) How can fitness be affected by leisure?
2) How can fitness have an impact in leisure?
3) What is the fitness illusion?
4) What are the components of health related physical fitness?

-We finished Chapter 5 by discussing eating disorders.
-We discussed our caloric intake from yesterday.

-Board Meeting on Monday.
-Read Chapter 6 & answer the following discussion questions for Wednesday:
1) Explain what cardiorespiratory endurance is.
2) What is the difference between aerobic & anaerobic exercise?
3) What are the benefits of aerobic training?

Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. Check out this short interview with the dork who created the site.

-You took Quiz #4: Drucker Chapters 5 & 6.
-I tried to make a statement that Eli Manning is a country bumpkin. It didn't come out that way, however. Here is what a spoonerism is.
-We discussed management & the CEO of the 21st Century.

-Watch this youtube clip.
-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions. I will assign each presentation group one of these questions in class on Monday to discuss. So make sure you answer these questions thoroughly.
1) What is a corporation?
2) How did the corporation become so powerful (history & evolution)?
3) Explain how a coporation is a "person."
4) What is corporate social responsibility?
5) What is "new capitalism" & its effect on corporate social responsibility.

-SBJ group presentations began.

1) What 2 questions should managers answer when defining accountability for the organization?
2) Explain the internal control components.
3) Define: Cash Flow, Operating Cah Flow, Cash Flow Budget.
4) What are the 5 steps commonly used in the budget process?
5) What are the primary sources of revenue generation?

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