Friday, February 6, 2009


-You took Quiz #2.
-We divided into 5 groups for the group presentation project.

-Complete exercise 3.1 on page 57. Pick your top 5, not 10, leisure activities.
-Read Chapter 4 & complete the following discussion questions:
1) Explain the factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to lesiure.
2) Explain the areas where careers in leisure services exist.
-Into The Wild Blog post #1 is due next Friday.

-We discussed Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on environmental influences on physical activity and diet & nutrition.

-Quiz #1: Chapters 1 & 2
-Board Meeting
Our meeting agenda will be the event. Give thought to which event we should do. Remember, the event must tie in a theme from class.

Chapter 1:
-What re the #1 & #2 threats to public health in the US?
-What is SeDS?
-What is the difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy?
-What are the leading causes of death in the US?
-What are the 7 dimensions of wellness?
Chapter 2:
-What are the environmental influences on physical activity that we discussed in class?
-What are the environmental influences on diet & nutrition that we discussed in class?
-What is traffic calming?
-What is value marketing?
-Whata re the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices?
-Be able to explain SMART Goals.

Here is an article about the popularity of non-traditional forms on television viewing.
I will take your advice and be on the alert for crazy Methuen Market Basket shoppers.
I have some advice for you: Base, Pace, Hydrate.

-Quiz #2.
-You chose groups for the group presentation project.
-We discussed why it is important for companies to innovate & examples of innovative companies.

-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation?
2) What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation?
3) What is systematic abandonment?
4) What are Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities?
-Article Summary #1 is due next Friday. Check the syllabus for assignment directions.
-Get in touch with me regarding your research topic so you can be sure your proposal will be approved.

-Quiz #1.
-We chose groups for the SBJ group presentation project.
-SBJ articles discussion.

-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) State & explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
2) State & explain the categories of needs assessment information.

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