Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I sent an e-mail to all of you regarding class today. It is my expectation that you come to every class prepared & ready to participate in the discussion. Coming to class means having your homework done, your textbook open to the chapter we are discussing, & a notbeook in front of you. Additionally, if you are too tired to participate in class or to sit upright at your desk, do not come to class.

-We discussed Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the factors that will increase our leisure time in the 21st century & the factors that will decrease our leisure time in the 21st century.

-Quiz #2: Textbook Chapters 2 & 3 and Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.
-Chapter 3 discussion questions:
1) What effect did the following factors have on the recreation movement in the 20th century:
A) Technological advances
B) Increased specialization of work
C) Women's liberation movement
2) What effect will the following factors have on the recreation movement in the 21st century:
A) Increasing globalization
B) Worldwide terrorism
C) Technology
3) What factors will continue to affect the recreation movement in the 21st century?
-We will pick groups for the group presentation project. We need 3 groups of 5 & 2 groups of 6.

-Be able to define the following terms:
leisure class, leisure ethic, limitless materialism, ambiguous free timer
-Be able to explain the 4 factors causing a decline in free time that we discussed in class.
-Be able to explain the 4 factors causing an increase in free time that we discussed in class.
-Be able to explain the 3 leisure-related problems prevalent in 21st century society that the textbook discusses.
-Be able to explain the 3 factors that will continue to affect the recreation movement in the 21st century.

-We finished our Chapter 1 discussion & began a Chapter 2 discussion. Our discussion focused on the leading causes of death in the US & the different dimensions of wellness. Conversations in class have been excellent so far. Keep it up!

-Bring the Chapter 2 discussion questions.
-Identify 2 behaviors that you wish to change & then complete Exercise 2.3 on page 53.

Here is a link to an article about the Denny's promotion.
Frank wasn't kidding. Check it out.
-We discussed Chapter 2: The Customer. Our discussion focused on why/how the customer, more so today than ever, is in the driver's seat. We talked about marketing strategues, push & pull, for attracting customers. We also discussed the 4 Drucker questions that companies need to ask when connecting with their customer.

-Quiz #2: Drucker Chapter 2 & 3.
-Drucker Chapter 3 question:
1) Pick a company that you think is innovative (other than Apple). Why do you consider the company innovative? What are the company's strengths?
-Decide who you want to work with for the group presentation.
-Continue working on your research topic.

-Be able to explain the Customer Satisfaction Model.
-Be able to explain push & pull marketing and give examples from our class discussion.
-How does Medtronics personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
-What are the 4 Drucker questions for connecting with your customer?
-Drucker states that there is never only 1 customer. How do the Girl Scouts & Avon personify this concept?
-The results of any institution only exist where?
-What are Drucker's 2 rules for collaboration?

-We finished the Chapter 2 discussion. Our discussion focused on: The importance of Human Resource Management. Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program? Why is a rewards system essential important to maintaining employee morale?

-Quiz #1: Chapters 1 & 2
-SBJ articles:
360 Architecture (page 5)
1) Other than safety, what is another risk for US firms like 360 Architecture, when doing work in the Middle east?
2) What sports event will Iraq play host to in 2013?
Versus/NHL (page 6)
1) How is Versus trying to attract younger viewers?
2) What is "shoulder programming?"
Activating A Suite (page 12)
1) A suite can provide a company a method to tell a story as well as afford opportunities for what 3 things?
2)What elements can be used to make the suite more than one-dimensional and tie in the above?

-The above 3 SBJ articles.
-What 3 qualities must leaders possess to inspire people to follow?
-What leadership quality is the key to being a great leader?
-What leadership quality is the most valuabe asset of a leader?
-What are the 3 main reasons to have a written policies & procedures manual?
-What content should the policies reflect?
-Know: the 2 classifications of employees, the 4 special types of employees, the 3 categories of employees.
-What are the 3 components of a job description?
-What are the elements of effective in-service training?

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