Thursday, September 3, 2009


-Course introduction continued.

-Complete notecard.
-Complete SBJ order forms.
-Sign course contract.
-Please click on this link & read from "Security For Sports Events After The Attacks Of September 11" on page 173 to the bottom of page 177.
-Read Chapter 1.
-Answer the following discussion questions:
1) What traits does a manager need to possess in order to be a successful leader?
2) What does a leader need to be able to do?
3) How can you learn to be a more effective leader?
4) The textbook states that leaders are not managers. But, are managers leader? Why/why not?
5) What were the immediate steps taken by sports facility managers post 9/11?
6) What precautions were made regarding terrorism at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City & the 2003 Super Bowl in San Diego?
7) How does the Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool evaluate stadium security plans?

-Course introduction continued.

-Sign course contract.
-Complete notecard.
-Read Chapter 8.
-Read 9/11 article. Here is the link to the article if you do not have the handout.
-Read over the assignment directions for the Into The Wild blog assignment.
-Answer the following discussion questions:
Chapter 8
1) Define: stress, stressors, distress, eustress
2) Explain Selye's Stress Definition.
3) Explain the stages of GAS.
9/11 Article
1) How did sports help in the healing process for America after 9/11?
2) Why are sports such an important part of American culture?

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