Friday, October 23, 2009

FRIDAY 10/23

-Notecard due.
-The Corporation Chapter 1 Discussion Questions due.
-We began our discussion of the Corporation. We discussed the history & evolution of the corporation in both Europe & the United States.

-No notecard.
-Please review Chapter 1 so YOU, not me, can actively take part in the discussion on Monday.
-In addition to reviewing Chapter 1, please complete the following:
-Discussion Question #4 asked: What is corporate social responsibility? I want you to go back into the chapter, particulrly from page 16-26, and answer the following:
1) What is the history of corporate social responsibility?
2) How/Why do corporations use New Capitalism & corporate social responsibility to soften their image?
3) On page 26 the author states that corporations use "branding" to create unique & attractive personalities for themsleves. What is "branding?" To answer this effectively, you will need to research this further than just the short blurb in the book.
4) On page 26 the author quotes Clay Timon, CEO of Landor Associates the world's largest & oldest branding firm, as saying, "Corporations, as brands have souls." What does he mean?
5) In your opinion, what company does an effective job at creating a unique & attractive personality through branding? What is the personality that they portray? How do they do it?

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 5.21 Discussion Questions due.
-Chapter 5.21 discussion.

-Chapter 5.23 Discussion Questions:
1) Read the italicsed paragraph at thee beginning of the section. Why is crisis management important to the recreation or sport manager?
2) What are the common characteristics of crises?
3) On page 323 the author states, "A piece that is commonly missing or overlooked when developing CMP's lies in the relationship between the overall CMP & the organization's core values." WHat does this mean?
4) What is an action plan?
5) What is a crisis management manual?
6) What is a crisis response team?

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