Monday, October 5, 2009


-No notecard due.
-Quiz #2.
-We began our discussion of Chapter 5 which will look at the role of management.

-Review "article summary" assignment on Graded Assignments document on WebCT.
-Finish reading Chapter 5.
-Chapter 5 discussion questions from the weekend due.
-Complete these new Chapter 5 discussion questions (some of these questions cannot be answered directly from the reading):
1) What do employees expect from their managers?
2) What is the difference between efficiency & effectiveness?
3) Define intrinsic motivation & extrinsic motivation. Give examples of how managers can provide employees with both types of motivation.
4) Define each level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. How can managers satisfy each level for their employees?
5) What are Drucker's 5 rules for hiring people?

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 4 discussion questions due.
-We went over Quiz #1.

-No notecard.
-Chapter 4.12 discussion questions:
1) Why have there been very few cases adjudicated by the criminal courts involving violent conduct by sports participants?
2) Explain the difference between simple assault & aggravated assault.
3) Explain the difference between simple battery & aggravated battery.
4) Explain how the reasonable foreseeability test & the rules of the game test have been used as defenses to criminal battery.
5) How can self-defense be used as a defense to criminal battery?

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