Thursday, October 15, 2009


-Chapter 6 discussion.
-SBJ article, "Rough Road in Motor City," discussion.

-Quiz #2 on Tuesday 10/20.
-Exam #1 on Thursday 10/22.

Chapter 4
-Be able to identify the 4 main categories of services provided by Populous (formerly HOK Sport).
-What are the 3 common questions that master planning is used to answer?
-Know the difference between the following bidding processes: lump sum, lump sum with alternatives, unit prices.

Chapter 5
-Be able to identify/explain the 5 common approaches to programming.
-Be able to identify/explain the 5 main categories of planners.
-Be able to identify/explain the 4 goals to consider when determining program objectives.

Chapter 6
-What 2 questions should managers answer when defining accountability for the organization?
-What are, & be able to explain, the internal control components.
-Define: cash flow, operating cash flow, cash flow budget.
-What are the 5 steps commonly used in the budget process?
-What are the primary sources of revenue generation?

SBJ Articles:
-Cowboys Stadium: September 28-October 4
-Ryan Awaits Word On Olympic Bid: September 28-October 4
-Sports Can Reconnect By Becoming Part Of The Community: September 28-October 4
-Rough Road In Motor City: October 5-11

-No notecard due.
-Quiz #2: Textbook Chapters 2-4 & Into The Wild Chapter 2-7.

-Chapter 5 discussion questions (the ones that were due today) due Tuesday.
-Notecard based on Chapter 6 homework (leave the "previous class" side blank) due Tuesday.
-Chapter 6 discussion questions due Tuesday:
1) What are ultimate goals?
2) What is life patterning?
3) What is the ABC rating system?
4) What is transition time?
5) What is the swiss-cheese approach?
6) What is procrastination?
7) Do you create daily "to do" lists for non-leisure? Leisure?
8) In your opinion, is leisure more fun when it is planned or spontaneous?
9) What are the benefits of planning your leisure?
10) When you procrastinate, what specific activities do you commonly choose to do?
-Into The Wild Blog Post #2 due Tuesday 100/27.

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