Thursday, November 12, 2009


-No notecard.
-We discussed the "Promotions" SBJ article.
-We discussed Chapter 9.

-Quiz #3:
1) Chapters 7-9.
2) How To Sell The Last Seat In The House handout.
3) SBJ articles:
"Selig Projects More Fans in 2010" 10/12-10/18, Page 1
"Stadium Gets Help With Suite Sales" 10/12-10/18, Page 6
"Sponsored Content The Key To Growth Of Braodband Video" 10/19-10/25, Page 14
"Promotions That Pay Off" 10/19-10/25, Page 1
"Turnkey Tackles Ticketing With New Technology" 10/19-10/25, Page 5
"Orioles Consider Big Changes For Camden Yards" 10/26-11/1, Page 5
"Twins, U.S. Bank Plan 'Touch & Go' Pay System At Target Field" 11/2-11/8, Page 14

Chapter 7
-What are the 3 categories of facility revenue sources?
-What are the 4 main purposes of taxation?
-What is the diference between hard & soft taxes?
-Explain the 4 types of hard taxes & 5 types of soft taxes.
-Explain the 5 major private funding sources.

Chapter 8
-What are the 4 areas of retail operations?
-What is the heart of the sports enterprise & key to its financial success?
-What is 2nd in importance to the financial success of the sports enterprise?
-What are hawkers?
-The Buying Fever Checklist states that what is the best way to cut down on customer inquiry time? It also states that what is the best way to reduce customer decisions?
-Define: dram shop statutes & social host liability.
-What are the 4 M's in retail?
-What are the 3 keys to effective store layout?
-Explain the escalator approach to ticket sales.
-What is 2nd to the box office in terms of direct contact between the facility & the patron?

Chapter 9
-What 3 things are promotions designed to stimulate in the consumer?
-What is the AIDA Approach to promotions?
-What are the 4 marketing activities as promotions, & what are the 2 most widely used?
-In sales, what is the ABC Method?
-Explain: MVC's, MGC's, BZ's.

How To Sell The Last Seat In The House
-What are the 2 main purposes for using premiums & bonus entertainment?
-What purpose does "bonus entertainment" serve?
-With Full Menu Marketing, the team wants to funnel fans to what types of games?

-No notecard due.
-No discussion questions due.
-Into The Wild Chapters 14 & 15.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 12.

-Study for Quiz #4: Chapters 10, 11, 12 & Into The Wild Chapters 12-15.
-Blog Post #3 due Thursday 11/19.

Chapter 10
-What social trends are contributing to shutting people off from interacting with one another?
-Define socialization.
-What 3 skills are needed for socialization?
-From our discussions, be able to state & explain the positive & negative effects on socialization of: television, video games, music, cell phones.
-What are the 3 types of friendships?

Chapter 11
-What 2 motives underlie gambling?
-Be able to identify the types of gamblers.

Chapter 12
-What are the 4 reasons why moral virtues are important?
-Be abel to explain: Utilitariansim, Deontology, Virtue Theory.
-What are the criteria for determining ethics?
-What are the 2 categories of obstacles to leisure fulfillment?
-What are the 7 obstacles to leisure fulfillment that we discussed?

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