Friday, January 22, 2010


-I finished my introduction and began discussing the course format & expectations. We will finish this at the beginning of class on Monday.

-Get a pack of 4 x 6 notecards.
-Download & read the course documents posted on WebCT. If you have questions, see/e-mail me or ask on Monday.
-Answer the following discussion questions:
1) Why are sports such a big part of American society?
2) Develop a list of sports events/athletes that transcended the sports world & had an impact (positive or negative) on society.

-I finished my introduction & began discussing the course format & expectations. We will finish this discussion at the beginning of class on Monday.

-Get a pack of 4 x 6 notecards.
-Download & read the course documents on WebCT. If you have questions, see/e-mail me or ask on Monday.
-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) In your opinion, what are 3 companies that you feel are successful & why?
2) In your own words, explain what an entrepreneur is.
3) In your opinion, what characeteristics are required for someone to be a successful entrepreneur?
4) State 3 benefits to entrepreneurship & explain each.
5) State 3 drawbacks to entrepreneurship & explain each.

- I finished my introduction & began discussing the course format & expectations. We will finish this discussion at the beginning of class on Monday.

-Get a pack of 4 x 6 notecards.
-Download & read the course documents on WebCT. If you have questions, see/email me or ask on Monday.
-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) What is the difference between life expectancy & healthy life expectancy?
2) What are the leading causes of death in the U.S.?
3) What is the difference between physical activity & exercise?
4) What is wellness & what are the 7 dimensions of wellness?

-I finished my introduction & began discussing the course format & expectations. We will finish this at the beginning of class on Monday.

-Get a pack of 4 x 6 notecards.
-Download & read the course doscuments on WebCT. If you have questions, see/e-mail me or ask on Monday.
-To get an understanding about Peter Drucker, read this article.
-Read Drucker Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) In your opinion, what company/business do you feel is successful? What makes them successful?
2) In your own words, define "management."
3) How/Why has management evolved in the U.S.?

-I finished my introductions & discussed the course format & expectations.

-Get a pack of 4 x 6 notecards.
-Download & read the course documents on WebCT. If you have questions, see/e-mail me or ask on Monday.
-Bring your completed SBJ order form to class on Monday.
-Read Chapter 1 & answer the following discussion questions:
1) What traits does a manager need to possess in order to be a successful leader?
2) What does a leader need to be able to do?
3) How can you learn to be a more effective leader?
4) The textbook states that leaders are not managers. But, are managers leaders? Why/why not?

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