Friday, January 29, 2010


-Course contract was due.
-You were to have read the Fan Loyalty article.
-The Sport & Society Part B Discussion Questions were due.
-We continued our Sport & Society discussion. We discussed the 8 main reasons for why we are sports fans. We discussed the concepts of BIRGing & CORFing, and finished by talking about how the Social Identity Theory explains how the groups we belong to & team we cheer for influence our self-identity.

-First notecard due:
Side 1: Discuss 1 thing, in detail, that you learned from today's class.
Side 2: Discuss 1 thing, in detail, that you learned from the homework due on Monday.
-Read about & come to class on Monday with questions about the Into The Wild blog assignment.
-Answer Chapter 1 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Define "leisure."
2) Explain Neulinger's Paradigm.
3) Explain the Classical View of Leisure.

-First notecard was due.
-Chapter 1 Part C Dicussion Questions due.
-Personality Quiz results due.
-We continued our Chapter 1 discussion. Our discussion focused on the Jung Typology test & the 7 entrepreneurial personality characteristics. We will finish our discussion of Chapter 1 at the beginning of class on Monday.

-Notecard due (based on today's discussion & this weekend's homework).
-Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the differences between creativity, innovation, & entrepreneurship.
2) Can creativity be taught?
3) State & summarize the 10 barriers to creativity.

-First notecard was due.
-Chapter 1 Part C Discussion Questins were due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 1. We discussed the 5 main reasons why the US ranks 24 out of 191 developed nations in healthy life expectancy, & the 4 leading causes of death in the US.

-Notecard due.
-Answer Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Our environment is not conducive to a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Why? What environmental factors influence physical activity? What environmental factors influence diet & nutrition?
2) Barriers to change: What are the most common reasons for people making unhealthy choices?

-First notecard due.
-Drucker Chapter 1 part B Discussion Questions due.
-We continued our Drucker Chapter 1 discussion. We discussed the defintion of management, the 6 functions of management, & the 4 U.S. events that caused a change in management.

-Review the 5 fronts of the Silent Revolution. We will discuss them in detail at the beginning of class on Monday.
-Give thought to a research paper topic.
-Answer Drucker Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) What does it mean that the customer is in the driver's seat?
2) How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
3) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?

-Course contract due.
-Chapter 1 Part B discussion questions due.
-We discussed the 2 SBJ articles that you were to read for today. We then moved forward with our discussion of Chapter 1. We discussed 2 leadership models: Functional Leadership Model & Managerial Grid Model.

-Answer Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
2) Why is a rewards system essential to maintaining employee morale?

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