Friday, February 26, 2010


-No notecard due.
-Chapter 4 Part B Discussion Questions due.
-Into The Wild Chapters 2 & 3.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 4.

-No notecard.
-No discussion questions.
-Quiz #2.

Chapter 2
-State/Explain the 4 main reasons for the leisure explosion in the 20th century.
-State/Explain the 3 main reasons for the decline in leisure from 1980-2000.
-State/Explain the 3 main resasons why Americans actually have more free time than they think.
-State/Explain the 4 main factors that will cause a decline in free time in the future.
-State/Explain the 3 main factors that will cause an increase in free time in the future.
-State/Explain the 3 main leisure related problems.

Chapter 3
-We discussed 15 factors that influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century. State/Explain 5 of them.
-State/Explain the 3 factors that will affect the recreation movement in the 21st century.

Chapter 4
-Explain "secondary viewing."
-What is the most prevelant use of free time in the United States?
-State/Explain the 4 benefits of sex as a leisure activity.
-State/Explain the 3 factors that restrict leisure time for women.
-State/Explain the 6 careers in leisure services.

*In addition to the above, you should be ready to answer questions from Into The Wild: Author's Note-Chapter 3.

-No notecard due.
-No discussion questions due.
-We discussed the group project & the changes to the semester grading structure.

-Research the American beer microbrewing indistury. Give some thought to the project that we discussed today. I will give you time on Monday to get with your group & share ideas.

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 5 Part B Discussion Questions due.
-We discussed the coconut water articles. After, we taste tested 3 different coconut waters. They all tasted horribly.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 5.

-No notecard.
-No discussion questions. We will hold off on Chapter 6 discussion questions until we finish our discussion on Chapter 5 on Monday.

-Notecard due.
-Brainstorming ideas due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 4.

-No notecard.
-No discussion questions.
-Quiz #2.

Chapter 3
-Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considers to be true innovation?
-Innovation is about what 4 things?
-What are the 5 main problems with Starbucks?
-Define systematic abandonment.
-How does Kimberly-Clark & Peapod exemplify systematic abandonment?
-How does Google systematically seek opportunities?
-State/Explain & give examples of the 7 key sources of opportunities.

Chapter 4
-Define brainstorming.
-State/Explain the 4 essential elements to brainstorming groups.
-State/Explain the 4 rules to brainstorming.
-State/Explain the 5 advantages & disadnantages to group-aided decision making.
-How did Myelin Repair Foundation answer Drucker's 3 collaboration questions?
-How is Dell a pioneer of collaboration?
-What are the 2 essential things that make collaboration tick day to day & move in step with shortened windows of opporunity.

-Chapter 5 Part A Discussion Questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 4.

-Read SBJ articles:
1) "Turnkey Unveils..." February 15-21, Page 4
2) "Smart Brands..." February 15-21, Page 19

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