Monday, February 22, 2010


-Notecard due.
-Chapter 4 Part A Discussion Questions due.
-Pop Quiz #2.
-We broke into groups & began a discussion of Chapter 4.

-No notecard due.
-Answer Chapter 4 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) According to the chapter, what activity is the most prevalent use of free time in the United States?
2) Explain the 2 different methods of calculating leisure:
A) Leisure as memorable time.
B) Leisure as time left over.

-Quiz #1: Chapter 1-3.

-We will discuss the group project on Wednesday. You need to divide yourselves into 5 groups of 4 members. Give thought to who you want to work with.

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 5 Part A Discussion Questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 5.

-Read the following 2 articles about coconut water:
1) Coconut Water: A Hard Nut To Crack
2) Cracking The Coconut Water Craze
-Answer Chapter 5 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) Track your caloric intake for Tuesday. Write down everything you eat & drink & look up how many calories are in the foods & drinks.
2) Explain the following eating disorders:
A) Anorexia Nervosa
B) Bulimi Nervosa
C) Binge-Eating Disorder

-Notecard due.
-Chapter 4 Part A Discussion Questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3.

-Read the following case & then answer the questions after the case:
FPU needs to improve student retention. 40% of the 2008-09 freshmen class never made it to be part of the 2009-10 sophomore class. The question is: why? You are part of a student task force designed to help the university administrators determine ways to retain students. Based on your experiences as a student at FPU, what can FPU do to improve its student retention & keep more students on campus? Brainstorm as many ideas as possible (even if they sound crazy), and place them into 2 lists: 1) What can FPU do from an academic standpoint to keep students? 2) What can FPU do from a social standpoint to keep students?

-We discussed Quiz #1.
-Pop Quiz #3.
-Chapter 4 Part B Discussion Questions due.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 4.

-Answer Chapter 5 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) Explain each of the 5 common approaches to programming? As a facility manager, under what circumstances you would choose each?
2) Explain each of the 4 goals to consider when determining program objectives.
3) What are the 4 different/distinct patterns of scheduling?

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