Saturday, April 10, 2010


-Notecard due.
-Chapter 11 Discussion Questions due.
-Into The Wild: Chapters 12 & 13.
-Chapter 10 discussion.

-Answer Chapter 12 Discussion Questions:
1) Why is it important to consider ethical concerns when developing a personal lesiure philosophy & in selecting leisure activities?
2) What criteria should be used when determining ethics for leisure selection?
3) State & explain the major internal obstacles to leisure fulfillment.
4) State & explain recreational ways to increase norepinephrine levels.

-Chapter 10 Part A Discussion Questions due.
-Finish Chapter 9 discussion.

-Answer Chapter 10 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the 3 objectives that should be satisfied when pricing any new product.
2) Explain the 3 basic strategies for establishing a new product's price.
-Quiz #3 (Chapters 8-10): Wednesday 4/14.

-Notecard due.
-Article discussion.
-Finished Chapter 9 discussion.

-No notecard.
-No discussion questions.
-Quiz #3: Chapters 7-9.

Chapter 7
-Define strength training.
-3 main benefits of strength training.
-Define sarcopenia.
-Explain difference between muscular strength & muscular endurance.
-4 myths of women's strength training.
-Explain principles involved in strength training.
-Explain factors that affect strength.

Chapter 8
-Answer the stretching FAQ's.
-Define flexibility.
-3 main problems caused by poor flexibility.
-Explain the factors affecting flexibility.
-Explain the principles of muscular flexibility prescription.

Chapter 9
-Be able to answer the questions that we discussed.

"How Much should You Exercise"
"Why Portion Control Matters"

-No notecard due.
-No discussion questions due.
-Finished Chapter 3 discussion.

-No notecard.
-No discussion questions.
-Quiz #4: The Corporation Chapters 1-3.

Chapter 1:
-Define corporation.
-What are the 2 main advantages & disadvantages of corporations?
-As a "person" what rights do corporations enjoy?
-What are: jobbers, the south sea company, bubble act?
-Industrialization in America involved what 3 important developments?
-By 1900, what 3 cities had populations over 1 million?
-Define deregulation.
-What does the 14th Amendment grant & how did corporations use it to their benefit?
-Define corporate social responsibility & what are the 3 P's?
-What is the difference between a shareholder & a stakeholder?
-What are the 3 main categories of stakeholders?
-Define new capitalism & sustainable development.
-What is branding & what are brand drivers?

Chapter 2:
-Be able to explain profit maximization & profit motive.
-Be able to explain capitalism with a conscience.
-Be able to explain the difference between brand loyalty & repurchasing.
-Explain how The Body Shop & Pfizer exemplify capitalism with a conscience.
-What is the main purpose of the Kyoto Prootcol?
-Be able to explain the Dodge V. Ford case.
-What are some psychopathic traits of corporations?

Chapter 3:
-What is an externality?
-What 3 main entities are affected by externalities?
-Explain what a cost-benefit-analysis is.
-Be able to explain the Anderson V. General Motors case.
-What is the science of exploitation?
-Define: ethics, morality, & utilitarianism.

-Finish Chapters 8 discussion.
-Begin Chapter 9 discussion.

-Review Chapter 9 Discussion Questions.
-Read SBJ articles:
"Networks Plan For All-Star Experience In 3-D" March 22-28, Page 6.
"Use Of Technology..." March 29-April 4, Page 12.

STUDY GUIDE (Quiz #3 Wednesday 4/14):
Chapter 7
-What are the 3 categories of facility revenue sources?
-What are the 4 main purposes of taxation?
-What is the difference between hard & soft taxes?
-Explain the 4 types of hard taxes & 5 types of soft taxes.
-Explain the 5 major private funding sources.
-What company owns the TV broadcasting rights to the NCAA basketball tournament?
-What company owns the TV broadcasting rights to Notre Dame football?
-In January 2011 what company will own the TV broadcasting rights to BCS games?
-What company owns the TV broadcasting rights to the NHL?

Chapter 8
-What are the 4 areas of retail operations?
-What is the heart of the sports enterprise & key to its financial success?
-What is 2nd in importance to the financial success of the sports enterprise?
-What are hawkers?
-The Buying Fever Checklist states that what is the best way to cut down on customer inquiry time? It also states that what is the best way to reduce customer decisions?
-Define: dram shop statutes & social host liability.
-What are the 4 M's in retail?
-What are the 3 keys to effective store layout?
-Explain the escalator approach to ticket sales.
-What is 2nd to the box office in terms of direct contact between the facility & the patron?

Chapter 9
-What 3 things are promotions designed to stimulate in the consumer?
-What is the AIDA Approach to promotions?
-What are the 4 marketing activities as promotions, & what are the 2 most widely used?
-In sales, what is the ABC Method?
-Explain: MVC's, MGC's, BZ's.

"Sport's Organizations Can Do A Dominos..." March 15-21, Page 11.
"Variable or Dynamic..." March 8-14, Page 10.
"Always Be Closing" March 15-21, Page 1.
"Networks Plan For All-Star Experience In 3-D" March 22-28, Page 6.
"Use Of Technology..." March 29-April 4, Page 12.

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