Thursday, November 18, 2010


-Chapter 11 Part A discussion questions due.
-SBJ discussion questions due.
-We discussed the griup project that is due on the final exam period.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 11.
-We discussed the SBJ articles.

-Answer the following Chapter 11 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) What are the 4 common design errors & what are the possible solutions?
2) What is the purpose of a double first base?
3) Explain the 4 styles of home plate.
4) What is the skinned part of an infield?
5) What is the key element of a field for safeguarding the players & spectators?
6) What are the basic pusposes of the above answer?
7) What are the 2 types of players' bench areas for baseball & softball?

-Read the following November 15-21 SBJ articles and answer the following Discussion Questions:
A) "Cubs Plan Football Street Festival" Page 4
1) What 2 colleges will play in the Allstate Wrigleyville Classic?
2) What is the name of the street festival outside Wrigley Field designed for the game?
3) When was the last college football game at Wrigley?
4) What company is sponsoring a music festival that will take place before & after the game?
5) What company has exclusive rights to sell food & drink on Wildcat Way?

B) "How True Leaders Attract & Manage The Talent Around Them" Page 20
1) What is the difference between a manager/leader and an administrator?
2) Summarize each of the critieria that Bill Sutton believes the best leaders posess.

-No new discussion questions due.
-I handed out the Into the Wild paper outline and we discussed the format.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 12.
-I handed out discussion questions for Chapter 14A and Murderball.
-We began watching Murderball.

-Answer the Chapter 14A discussion questions.
-Answer the Murderball discussion questions that you can.

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