Tuesday, November 23, 2010


-Chapter 11 Part B discussion questions due.
-SBJ discussion questions due.
-We finished discussing Chapter 11 & we discussed the SBJ articles.

-Answer the following Chapter 15 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) What are the 3 levels of the planning process involved with planning facilities & open spaces?
2) What is the most important part of the planning process & why?
3) Developing plans for designing new facilities & improvements to existing facilities must reflect what 2 things?
4) Therapeutic recreation provides services to what type of people?
5) Explain the 2 main types of recreation centers?
6) What dictates the size of a community recreation center?
7) What is a supercenter?
8) What is a natatorium?

-Read the following November 22-28 SBJ articles & answer the Discussion Questions:
A) "Smith grim as clock ticks" Page: Cover.
1) When does the current NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement expire?
2) Who is DeMaurice Smith?
3) What are some of the issues that the NFL is proposing for the new CBA?
4) What is the only team in the NFL that is publicly owned?
5) The league wants players to reduce salaries by what %?

B) "Nissan steers toward college football" Page: 16.
1) In early 2006, Nissan slashed its $5 million print budget with what publication?
2) What prestigious athletic award does Nissan sponsor?
3) How many fans are estimated to experience the SI Heisman Tour?
4) Marketing efforts like the SI Heisman Tour are known as what type of marketing?
5) Normally, what is Sports Illustrated's top-selling issue of the year?

-Chapter 14A discussion questions due.
-We finished watching Murderball.
-We discussed the Murderball discussion questions.

-We will discuss Chapter 14A next Tuesday.
-Answer the following Chapter 13 Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the different stages of leisure in childhood.
2) Are concerns about gender inequality outdated?
3) What are the 2 main reasons for leisure gender inequality?
4) Is it more enjoyable to be in a relationship with someone with whom you have common leisure interests? Why/Why not?

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