Monday, December 6, 2010


-No new discussion questions due.
-Research Paper due.
-We finished discussing Chapters 5 & 6.

-Exam #5: Chapters 4-6.

Chapter 4
-In America's economy, who holds the most power?
-What powers do consumers possess?
-Explain the concepts of "consumerism" & materialism."
-From the 1990's to today, what is the most frequent reason given by students for attending college?

Chapters 5 & 6
-Define "marketing."
-What are the 3 main purposes of marketing?
-How much more does it cost a company to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing customer?
-What factors influence brand loyalty?
-The true essence of marketing is the ability to persuade the customer into doing what 2 things?
-Explain "cradle to the grave" branding.
-Explain the concept of "life-time value."
-Explain the concept of "age of access."
-Explain the concept of "opportunity in devastation."
-What 4 negative aspects of kids' lives areas do companies target/prey on in order to influence their purchasing behavior?
-Explain the concept of the "nag factor."
-Explain the difference between the following types of parents: bare necessities, kids pals', indulgers, conflicted.

-We discussed gender inequalities in sports.

-Follow the following steps to take Harvard's race IAT test.
1) Click here.
2) Click "demonstration."
3) Click "go to the demonstration tests."
4) Click "I wish to proceed."
5) Scroll down & click "Race IAT."
6) Click "click here to begin."
7) Take the test & bring in the results on Wednesday.

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