Thursday, February 3, 2011


-Drucker Chapter 2 Part A discussion questions due.
-You took Opportunity Quiz #1.
-We finished our discussion of Drucker Chapter 1. We discussed fronts 3, 4, 5 of the Silent Revolution and discussed knowledge workers.

-While watching the Super Bowl take note of the ads that you feel are effective/ineffective from a current/potential customer's perspective.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 2 Part B Discussion Questions:
1) Drucker says that "there is never only one customer." What does he mean? How do the Girl Scouts of America fit into this?
2) Why is identifying non-customers important?
3) Pick a company and identify its core customer demographic (the customer group that accounts for a majority of the company's sales), and then identify a secondary customer market for the company.

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