Tuesday, February 1, 2011


-No new discussion questions due.
-We continued our discussion of Drucker Chapter 1. We defined management and discussed the 6 functions of management. We then began a discussion of the Silent Revolution. We discussed the first 2 fronts. We will finish the other 3 fronts on Thursday.

-Read Drucker Chapter 2 and answer the following Chapter 2 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) In your opinion, what company does a great job at satisfying its customers needs? Why?
2) What does it mean when Drucker says that the customer is in the driver's seat? Why is the customer in the driver’s seat more so today than in the past?
3) How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
4) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?
-While watching the Super Bowl, take note of the ads that you like/dislike from a current/potential customer's perspective.

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