Wednesday, February 16, 2011


-Chapter 3 discussion questions due.
-We broke into groups of 2 to begin a discussion of Chapter 3. We discussed the 6 benefits of studying leisure history. We will finish this discussion at the beginning of class on Friday.

-Into The Wild: Chapters 5 & 6.
-Answer the following Chapter 4 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) In your opinion, what are the top 5 leisure activities of FPU students?
2) When watching TV, what is "secondary viewing?"
3) What are the benefits of sex as a leisure activity?
4) Explain the factors that restrict the freedom of women with respect to leisure.

-Chapter 2 Part B discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 1 by discussing small businesses. We then began a discussion of Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on the difference between creativity & innovation and left brain vs right brain.

-No new discussion questions.

-"10 states with the deadliest eating habits" article discussion questions due.
-Chapter 4 Part B discussion questions due.
-We discussed the article & then finished our discussion of Chapter 4. We discussed recommended body weight, the difference between obesity & overweight, techniques for assessing body composition, & Body Mass Index.

-Answer the following Chapter 5 Part A Discussion Questions:
1) What is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in the US each year?
2) What are the health consequences of obesity (not the ones in the box. Look at the paragrpah that start at the bottom of page 133 "The American Heart Association...)?
-Read this article and answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) States in which part of the country have the highest rates of inactivity?
2) Five of the least active counties in the Unites States are in what state?
3) The top-five most active counties are in what state?
4) Physical inactivity is is a risk factor for developing what 2 health consequences?
5) What suggestions does the article offer to help individuals & communities rev up physical activity?

-Chapter 3 discussion questions due.
-UCONN LEED article discussion questions due.
-We finished our discussion of the "Security for Sports Events After the Attacks of September 11" article. Our discussion focused on the Salt Lake City Olympics, the 2003 San Diego Super Bowl, and the Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 3.

-Read the February 14-20 SBJ article "Interview is like courtship..." on page 12 and answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Why are many interviews unsuccessful?
2) What is the "like" meter?
3) What color suit should you wear to an interview?
4) Why should you not list your GPA on a resume?
5) Why should you list references on a resume as opposed to writing "Available Upon Request?"
6) What should you do at the end of the interview?

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