Friday, April 29, 2011


-The Corporation Chapter 5 discussion questions due.
-Quiz #9.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 5.

-Look over the study guide for Tuesday's review session.

Chapter 1
-Define: corporation, jobbers, south sea company, bubble act, deregulation, corporate social responsibility, shareholder, stakeholder, new capitalism, sustainable development.
-Industrialization in America involved what 3 important developments?
-By 1900 what 3 cities had a population over 1 million?
-What 2 states sought to attract corporations by getting rid of unpopular restrictions?
-What Constitutional amendment helped corporation gain rights as a "person?"
-What are the 3 P's that CSR honors?
-What corporation believed that capitalism would not survive unless equality & cooperation existed between workers & capitalists?

Chapter 2
-Define: profit maximization, profit motive, capitalism with a conscience, brand loyalty, psychopathic.
-How does The Body Shop & Pfizer utilize capitalism with a conscience?
-What was the judgment in Dodge v. Ford?

Chapter 3
-Define: externality, cost-benefit analysis, ethics, morality, utilitarianism
-What entities are affected by externalities?
-Explain Anderson v. General Motors.
-Who is being exploited in the "science of exploitation?"

Chapter 4
-Define: consumerism, materialism (business).
-In America's economy, who holds the most power? What powers do they hold?
-What reasons for attending college were given by students pre-1990's?
-I will give you the 4 myths of CSR. Be able to explain why each is a myth?

Chapter 5
-Define: marketing, nag factor, opportunity in devastation
-What are the 3 main purposes of marketing?
-The true essence of marketing is the ability to persuade the customer into doing what 2 things?
-What 2 ways do kids nag their parents?
-What areas of devastation do companies prey on children?
-Be able to explain the 4 types of parents.

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