Friday, September 2, 2011


-It was nice meeting you all this week. I look forward to a fun semester.
-We finished our introduction to the course. If you have any questions about anything, contact me ASAP for clarification.

-Read the following Peter Drucker article. Click here.
-Answer the following article Discussion Questions:
1) What term is Drucker credited with coining?
2)What is Drucker's true legacy?
3) Where was Drucker born?
4) Where did Drucker earn his doctorate?
5) What corporation did Drucker spend 2 year studying in the 1940's?
6) What university's management school was named in Drucker's honor in 1987?
7) What view is central to Drucker's philosophy?
8) What was Drucker awarded in July 2002?
-Read Drucker Chapter 1.
-Answer the following Chapter 1 Discussion Questions (1-3 are due on Monday & 4-10 are due next Wednesday):
1) In your opinion, what organization is successful? In your opinion, what makes the organization successful?
2) In your own words (do not look in a dictionary), define "management.“
3) In your opinion, what has caused management to evolve in the US?
4) What is the Silent Revolution?
5) Summarize what happened during each of the 5 fronts of the Silent Revolution.
6) What are the 3 fastest-growing consumer purchases today?
7) Home Depot passed all its logistics issues off to what company?
8) What innovative group in northern California is trying to find a cure for multiple sclerosis?
9) In Druker's opinion, how did the Americans win the Gulf War in 1991? In his opinion, how will the war on terrorism be won?
10) What does the author mean when she states, "in the 21st century, businesses exist in a Lego world?"

-It was nice meeting you all this week. I look forward to a fun semester.
-We finished our introduction to the course. If you have any questions about anything, contact me ASAP for clarification.

-We will be starting the semester with a "Sports & Society" unit that is not in the textbook.
1) Why do sports get so much attention in the US?
2) Research the following sport athletes, teams, & events. Why did they have such an impact on not only the sports world, but on society as a whole?
A) Jackie Robinson
B) Muhammad Ali
C) 1972 Olympics
D) Title IX
E) 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup
F) Lance Armstrong
G) 1980 Olympics (USA vs Russia in hockey)
H) Jim Valvano
I) 1968 Olympics (Tommie Smith & John Carlos)
J) 1995 Rugby World Cup
3) In addition to the above, can you think of any other athletes, teams, games, events, etc. that had an impact on society as a whole?

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