Friday, February 24, 2012


-SBJ articles & discussion questions were due.
-You took Quiz #5.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 4.  Our discussion focused on the psychic benefits that sport organizations provide.

-Matt Horan will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-We did not get to discuss the s SBJ articles that were due for today, so we will discuss them first thing on Monday.
-Read Chapter 5 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) What is the goal of any facility manager?
2) What is the lifeblood of sport & entertainment facilities?
3) What is the most important marketing concept that any business should remember?
4) What are mini-plans?
5) What reasons are a season ticket beneficial to the organization?
6) What does the underground luxury suites at The Palace of Auburn Hills lack?
7) What do club seats offer the patron?
8) What is often the most important revenue source for many facilities?
9) What is a per cap analysis?
10) What do some teams charge fans in addition to the fee for entering the parking lot?

-No new discussion questions were due.
-We discussed Drucker Chapter 4.  Our discussion focused on brainstorming, the advantages/disadvantages of group decision making, & collaboration.

-Ashley McCormack will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-What are HUD glasses?
-The Drucker Chapter 5 discussion questions that I assigned on Wednesday are due on Monday.

-Chapter 2 discussion questions 4-7 were due.
-BUAB Chapter 3 discussion questions were due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 2.  Our discussion focused on examples of creativity/innovation in the beer industry and barriers to creativity.

-Keri Marnane will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read textbook Chapter 3 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Define "intellectual capital" and explain its 3 components.

2) Define "competitive advantage" and explain Whole Foods' strategy for achieving competitive advantage.
3) Explain the 4 aspects of their businesses that entrepreneurs should examine to define their companies' competitive advantages.

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