Monday, February 6, 2012


-No new discussion questions were due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 2.  Our discussion focused on operational & contingency planning.
-We discussed the 2 SBJ articles that were due last Friday.

-Ryan Leach will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read Chapter 3 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) For some campuses (FPU is one), what are among the most significant aspects for student recruitment & retention?
2) Prior to commencing construction of a facility, what must be determined?
3) To mitigate obsolescence, what should be integrated into all facility designs?
4) What NHL team relocated to Phoenix, AZ is 1996?
5) What was the problem with the US Airways Center as a hockey venue?
6) What is one problem with building facilities in metropolitan areas?
7) What is an "option?"
8) What is "eminent domain?"
9) What was the court ruling in Kelo v. London?
10) What facility did the state of Texas exempt from their anti-eminent-domain-for-private-use law?
11) What main factors are part of preparing a building site?
12) Where did the Yankees play their home games in 1974-75 while Yankee Stadium was being remodeled?
13) What is a RFQ?
14) What is a RFB?

-No new discussion questions due.
-We spent the class discussing the top 10 Super Bowl commercials according to USA Today's Ad Meter.

-Mariah Dixson will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read Drucker Chapter 3 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considered to be true innovation?
2) What are Drucker's 4 basic questions about innovation?
3) In your own words define innovation?
4) Pick a company (other than Apple) that you think is innovative. Why is the company innovative?
5) What is systematic abandonment?
6) How do the companies, Kimberly-Clark & Peapod, exemplify Drucker's concept of systematic abandonment?
7) What are Drucker's 7 key sources of opportunities?

-We continued watching Beer Wars.  We have a little left to watch at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

-The discussion questions for Beer Wars are due on Wednesday.
-Read textbook Chapter 1 & answer the following Discussion Questions for Wednesday:
1) In your opinion, what are 3 companies that you feel are successful & why?
2) In your own words, explain what an entrepreneur is.
3) In your opinion, what characteristics are required for someone to be a successful entrepreneur?
4) From what is discussed in the chapter, state 3 benefits to entrepreneurship & explain each.
5) From what is discussed in the chapter, state 3 drawbacks to entrepreneurship & explain each.
-Read Chapter 1 of Brewing Up A Business & answer the following Discussion Questions for Friday:
1) What high school was Sam kicked out of 2 months before graduation?
2) What was the most important reason why Sam's time at the prep high school was so crucial in his development as a creative person?
3) What was Sam's major in college?
4) What was Sam's inmost thought in high school that still drives him today?
5) What is the only predictable thing in the world of business?
6) What does Sam say business integrity is?
7) What is one major characteristic consistent in every successful business that survives long past its inception?
8) What college did Sam graduate from in 1992?
9) What did Sam call his first batch of home brewed beer?
10) Where does the name "Dogfish Head" come from?
11) How many gallons of beer is yielded from a barrel?
12) What are the components of Sam's personality equation?

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