Monday, March 12, 2012

MONDAY 03/12

-Chapter 6 discussion questions 14-18 were due.
-You took Quiz #7.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 6.  Our discussion focused on the ADA & sports facilities.

-Andy Grimes will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read the following article from the February 27 - March 4 SBJ & answer the Discussion Questions:
A) Page 13: "Moving Beyond Like..."
1) In the social media game, the first metric is the number of what a fan page has accumulated?
2) What team has the 2nd largest Facebook audience in North American team sports?
3) How many fans does the team on its Facebook page?
4) What is still the undisputed champion of digital marketing?
5) What is 3-Point Play?
6) What company helped the team develop 3-Point Play?
7) Over 2 seasons, how many Facebook fans did the team add to its database?
8) Over 2 seasons, how many tickets did the team sell to 3-Point Play players?
9) What is Pinterest (look it up)?

-The Corporation Chapter 1 discussion questions 6-8 were due.
-We continued our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 1. Our discussion focused on the rise of the corporation in Europe.
-You took Quiz #7.

-Madison Rank will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-No new discussion questions due.

-Here is the website for Tweet-A-Beer.
-Textbook Chapter 4 discussion questions 4-6 were due.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 4.  We finished our discussion of the 5 Forces Model & then spent time in our project groups.

-Nikki Pratt will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read BUAB Chapter 6 & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) When Dogfish Head first started, what was their version of a press release?
2) Government-recognized medical reports have shown that consuming how many beer per day is actually healthier for you than not drinking at all?
3) What 3 truisms apply to any effective marketing agenda?
4) What is the name of the film that Dogfish Head made to promote the responsible, healthful attributes of the beer industry?
5) How long was the film?
6) Big brands throughout all industries spend an amazing amount of time & money marketing & advertising themselves to maintain what?
7) What is the single most important component to Dogfish Head's success?
8) When you are developing your product in a crowded marketplace, what question should you ask?
9) What company has broadened the market for heavily scented, jarred candles?
10) What state was the the first state to ratify the Constitution?
11) What is the name of the world's strongest beer?
12) What is the name of the world's strongest dark beer?
13) What is the name of the world's strongest Belgian beer?
14) What is the name of the world's strongest fruit beer?
15) What is the name of the world's strongest bottle-conditioned beer?
16) What does bottle-conditioned mean?
17) What were the 3 sentence fragments that appeared in Dogfish Head's  first print ad?
18) Roughly what % of their annual sales does Dogfish Head dedicate to all aspects of marketing?
19) What is the great marketing leveler?
20) What 5 sites are great for gaining information about the beer industry (& would be great for our class project!)
21) Dogfish Head has collaborated with over how many breweries around the world?

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