Friday, September 14, 2012

FRIDAY 09/14

-Chapter 1 discussion questions 14-18 were due.
-You took Quiz #1.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 1.  We discussed the main purposes of marketing and the concepts of customer satisfaction & brand loyalty.

-Daniel Branson will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 2 Discussion Questions for Wednesday:
1) What are the 3 components of the marketing management process?
2) A fairly homogeneous group of customers to whom a company wishes to appeal is known as what?
3) The controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy a target market are known as what?
4) What is the difference between target marketing & mass marketing?
5) What are the 4 P's in the marketing mix?
6) Is the customer part of the marketing mix?

-We had our first breakfast roundtable discussion.  Nice job!

-Bradley Dumais will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Come to class ready to discuss what your cell phone policy would be if you were a professor.

-Drucker Chapter 1 discussion questions 4-10 were due.
-You took Quiz #1.
-We continued our discussion of Drucker Chapter 1.  Our discussion focused on defining "management" and discussing the 6 functions of management.

-Mary Bondarek will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-The following Drucker Chapter 2 Discussion Questions are due on Wednesday:
1) What does the author mean by, "the customer is in the driver's seat"?
2) In your opinion, what company does a great job at satisfying its customers' needs? Why?
3) What does Medtronic do? The author states that Medtronic is a company that personifies Drucker's ideal of customer focus. How?
4) What are the 4 Drucker questions that a company should answer when connecting with its customer?

-We finished watching 9 Innings From Ground Zero.
-We discussed how sports helped America following 9/11.

-Steven Arteaga will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read the article, "What Makes Fans Tick," & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) Explain the 8 basic motives that drive people to be sports fans.
2) How does the "social identity theory" explain our attraction to spectator sports?
3) Explain the concepts of "BIRGing" and "CORFing."
4) What is a "Deep Fan?"
5) What are the differences between blue collar and white collar fans?
-Read the article, "What Makes Fans Crazy About Sports," & answer the following Discussion Questions:
1) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most NFL fans?
2) What is the #1 "passion driver" of most MLB fans?
3) Explain the following 3 groups of baseball fans:
A) Field of Dreamers
B) Team Obsessors
C) Family Connectors
4) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2009?
5) What sports property had the largest U.S. fan base in 2001?

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