Wednesday, November 7, 2012


-Chapter 7 discussion questions 1-10 were due.
-You took Quiz #9.
-We discussed Exam #1.

-Abigail Robinson will bring in a current event.
-No new discussion questions.

-Reaction Paper #1 was due.
-No new discussion questions were due.
-You took a quiz.
-We continued our discussion of Unit 3.

-Sydni Schulz will bring in a current event for us to discuss next Monday.
-Blog Post #6 is due on Friday.
-We will meet in the classroom on Friday. Our roundtable discussion topic is: If you won the lottery & money was no longer an issue, what is the first thing you would buy?

-The Corporation Chapter 1 discussion questions 1-5 were due. If you did not do these, please have them answered for Friday.
-We began a discussion of The Corporation Chapter 1.

-Kayla Ricker will bring in a current event.
-Answer the following Corporation Chapter 1 Discussion Questions:
6) Why was the South Sea Company a scam from the very start?
7) What did the Bubble Act make a criminal offense?
8) What would allow those of moderate means to take shares in investments with their richer neighbors?
9) What 2 states sought to attract valuable incorporation business to their jurisdictions by jettisoning unpopular restrictions from their corporate laws?
10) What is "new capitalism?"
11) Today, what do corporations use to create unique & attractive personalities for themselves?

-Chapter 7 discussion questions 1-6 were due.
-You took Quiz #9.
-We continued our discussion of Chapter 6.

-Domenick Mangano will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 7 Discussion Questions:
7) What does the EADA state?
8) Who assumes oversight of numerous areas within the athletics department?
9) Who supports the AD in achieving the overall mission of the department?
10) Who are responsible for specific work groups in the athletics department?
11) What is the highest ranking female administrator involved in the management of an NCAA institution's intercollegiate athletics department? 

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