Wednesday, November 28, 2012


-Chapter 12 discussion questions 1-10 were due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 10.
-I handed out & discussed the case studies assignment rubric. It is also posted on CampusWeb.

-LeShaun Young will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 12 Discussion Questions:
11) What retailer pioneered the trend of focusing on single line product lines?
12) In 1997, consumers spent about how much money on the Internet?
13) By 2007 consumer spending on the Internet topped how much money?
14) Explain scrambled merchandising.
15) When the last census of retailers was published, over what % of all retail stores in the US had annual sales of less than $1 million?
16) Define wholesaling.

-You took a quiz based on Unit #3.

-APP Assignment #3 needs to be uploaded to CampusWeb by Friday.
-Blog Post #7 needs to be posted by Friday.
-We will begin a discussion of Unite 4: Inequality in Sports on Friday. Please read the following article and think about the corresponding question.
College football's diversity quietly improves among head-coaching hires
The article states:
-In 2011 46% of Divison I college football players were black, but only 19 of the 120 (16%) head coaches were black. In 2009 there were only 4.
-In 2009 26% of schools in a BCS conference had never had a black man serve as head coach of either their football or men's basketball teams. Today, that figure is 17%.
-The article ends with the statement, "that doesn't make these school racist." Then why so many black players but so few black head coaches?

-The Corporation Chapter 3 discussion questions 1-5 were due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 2.
-We discussed the Cause Marketing research paper assignment. The rubric as well as a link to APA style are on CampusWeb.

-Answer the following Chapter 3 Discussion Questions:
6) How does the "science of exploitation" apply to Nike?
7) What happened in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory disaster?
8) What was passed in 1938 by President Roosevelt's administration that banned sweatshops, child labor, & industrial homework?
9) What % of all apparel operations in NYC are sweatshops?
10) A US Department of Labor survey found that the overall level of compliance with the minimum wage, overtime, & child labor requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act is what %?

-Chapter 12 discussion questions 1-7 were due.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 11.
-We discussed the research paper assignment. The assignment rubric as well as a link to APA style are posted on CampusWeb.

-Brian O'Neil will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Chapter 12 Discussion Questions:
8) Effective communication practices consist of what 4 key elements?
9) State the elements of the branding process & define each.
10) Marketers should consider what 4 factors when developing a pricing strategy? 

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