Tuesday, February 26, 2013


-Chapter 4 discussion questions 6-16 were due.
-You took Quiz 6.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 3 by discussing vitamins, minerals, & water.
-We began a discussion of Chapter 4 by discussion body composition & assessing body composition.

-Steve Hathaway will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Read the article, "First Lady's Plan Identifies Healthy MyPlate Recipes," & answer the following discussion questions:
1) What 5 media companies are working with the first lady's Let's Move! campaign to identify the MyPlate-worthy recipes?
2) A new Pinterest page will feature more than how many recipes?
3) Who is also partnering in this effort to ensure that the recipes align with the dietary guidelines and have limited added sugar and saturated fat and are low in sodium?
4) The first lady is celebrating what anniversary of her "Let's Move!" initiative to combat childhood obesity?
5) About a third of kids and teens are overweight or obese, putting them at a greater risk of developing a host of debilitating and costly diseases, including what?
-Read the article "Obesity in America: What's Driving the Epidemic?" & answer the following discussion questions:
1) How many American adults out of 3 are now overweight or obese?
2) What are the most obvious consequences of obesity?
3) Out of every 10 American deaths, how many are the result of obesity & overweight?
4) What does obesity & overweight issues cost our society every year?
5) What % of job in 2010 required at least moderate physical activity?
6) The average American man is burning how many fewer calories today than he did in the 1960's?
7) What % of adults get enough exercise?
8) What % of his waking hours does the average American spend sitting down?
9) What is "sedentary work?"
10) An ACS study found that what can be hazardous to your health?
11) TV watching has been linked to an increased risk of what disease?
12) What 2 things account for the rise in caloric intake of Americans?
13) What make the single largest contribution to the caloric glut?
14) Sleeping less than how many hours a day can lead to weight gain?
15) Sleeping more than how many hours a day can lead to weight gain?
16) How many drinks for a man is considered moderate drinking?
17) What can moderate drinking reduce the risk of?
18) One drink a day can lead to how many pounds gained over a year?
-I decided not to assign Chapter 5 discussion questions for Thursday. They will be assigned on Thursday & due next Tuesday.

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