Wednesday, March 6, 2013


-Chapter 5 discussion questions 1-8 were due.
-You took Quiz 7.
-We continued a discussion of Chapter 4.

-Erin Lang will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-I decided not to assign an SBJ article.
-Answer the following Chapter 5 discussion questions:
9) What is a per cap analysis?
10) What do some teams charge fans in addition to the fee for entering the parking lot?
11) What is one of the most important revenue sources for most facilities?
12) One of the critical components of maximizing the answer to Question 11 is to police the facility for illegal sales of what?
13) What can sport & entertainment facilities provide a sponsor access to?
14) What was the company, team, & year the first time a company agreed to pay to have its name attached to a professional sport facility?
15) What was the issue with San Francisco's Candlestick Park agreeing to naming rights?
16) What was the issue with the Houston Astros selling the name rights to its stadium?

-There will be 3 different types of questions asked on the exam:
1) Definitions. I will give a definition & you will be asked to state the term.
Definition: The right to purchase a piece of property. Answer: Option
2) Question & Answer. I will ask a straight forward question, and you will provide a straight forward answer.
Question: What was the first LEED-certified professional sport stadium? Answer: Nationals Park
3) Short answer. I will ask a question that requires a short, but detailed explanation.
Question: How was sports event & facility management changed post 9/11? Answer: Immediately after 9/11 sport facility & event managers had to ensure safety to jittery spectators by implementing new security measures like magnetometers, bollards, no fly zones, & pat-down searches.

Chapter 1: sustainability, green facility, sustainable design, United States Green Building Council, The Green Building Certification Institute, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

Chapter 2: management, sport event management, stakeholder, event stakeholder, event triangle, festival frame (as well the 3 frames)

Chapter 3: downtown revitalization, option, eminent domain, request for qualifications, request for bids

Chapter 4: cookie cutter facilities, hard taxes, soft taxes, direct spending, indirect spending, trickle down effect, opportunity costs

Question & Answer:
Chapter 1
-Each sport event & facility has specific what associated with it?
-What % more does it cost to upgrade most facilities to meet modern-day standards than it does to build new ones?
-What is the most expensive MLB stadium ever built?
-What is the most expensive stadium of any kind ever built?
-What is the most expensive NFL stadium ever built?
-What is the largest stadium in the NFL in terms of permanent seating capacity?
-What sport facility has the largest HD video screen?
-What are the 2 largest trends facing facility managers?
-What was the first LEED-certified professional sport stadium?
-What was the first collegiate football stadium awarded LEED silver certification?
-What did NFL officials implement in 2005 due to security concerns over NFL stadiums being terrorist targets?

Chapter 2
-What impacts the management of a specific event?
-What are the 2 main facility limitations?
-What are the 3 main event stakeholders?
-What are the 4 phases of event management?
-What is one of the most important elements of strategic planning?
-What is one of the first documented examples of strategic planning?
-Aside from new venue construction, what is the single most difficult aspect of producing a sporting event?

Chapter 3
-For some campuses, what are among the most significant aspects for student recruitment & retention?
-To mitigate obsolescence, what should be integrated into all facility designs?
-As a hockey arena, what was the problem with the US Airways Center when the Winnipeg Jets relocated there in 1996?
-What facility did Texas exempt from its restrictive anti-eminent-domain-for-private-use law?
-What are the 3 main factors that are part of preparing a building site?
-What significant consideration do outdoor stadiums need to be designed & built with?
-What can have a dramatic impact upon an event's viability?

Chapter 4
-What franchise became the first major professional sport team to move from the midwest or northern section of the US to the west coast?
-How was the land in LA acquired for the Dodgers stadium?
-How did the Palace at Auburn Hills spur a change in the type of facilities that were being built?
-How did Camden Yards spur a change in the type of facilities that were being built?
-What is the most common method that governments have to raise money for professional sport facilities?
-What are the 3 categories of facility revenue sources?
-What are the 4 main purposes of taxation?
-What are the 4 main types of hard taxes?
-What are the 4 main types of soft taxes?
-What stadium did the citizens in & around Denver agree to fund through a sales tax?
-What company took over the naming rights of Invesco Field in 2011?
-What Seattle stadium was partially funded by a variety of tourism taxes?
-What Ohio stadiums were funded through cigarette & liquor taxes?
-What psychic benefits do sport organizations provide?

Short Answer:
Chapter 1
-What does a facility need to do in order to be considered for LEED certification?
-How was sports event & facility management changed post 9/11?

Chapter 2
-Why conduct pre-event briefings & what are the 3 pre-event briefings that should take place for all types of events?

Chapter 3
-What was the court ruling in Kelo v. New London?

Chapter 4
-What is the major pro & con for using public funds to subsidize professional sports facilities?

-Chapter 5 discussion questions 1-11 were due.
-You took Quiz 7.
-We continued discussing Drucker Chapter 4.

-Brenden McNaught will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the following Drucker Chapter 5 discussion questions:
12) Fill in the blank. "A mission statement should fit on your ___________________."
13) What is FPU's mission statement?
14) What is the mission statement of your favorite organization?
15) Fill in the blanks. "Especially for knowledge workers, Drucker was a strong advocate for ________________ rather than ____________________.
16) There is no better motivation for working hard than what?
17) What did the PARC scientists refer to Xerox officials as?
18) Who is the world's largest producer of appliances?
19) What general category of people & knowledge strategies typically involves the highest investment in knowledge?
20) What general category of people & knowledge strategies has a smaller knowledge component in its offering?
21) What general category of people & knowledge strategies is all about low price?
22) What general category of people & knowledge strategies has a high knowledge content within its offerings & needs few people to operate?

-There will be 3 different types of questions asked on the exam:
1) Definitions. I will give a definition & you will be asked to state the term.
Definition: A creative process in which a small group of people interact with very little structure with the goal of producing a large quantity of imaginative ideas. Answer: Brainstorming
2) Question & Answer. I will ask a straight forward question, and you will provide a straight forward answer.
Question: What % of their work time does Google encourage its engineers spend brainstorming new ideas? Answer: 20%
3) Short answer. I will ask a question that requires a short, but detailed explanation.
Question: Why does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considers to be true innovation? Answer: Starbucks implemented a paradigm change to the fast food coffee consumer. They changed our expectations about the fast food coffee industry by creating a go-between destination atmosphere in its stores.

Chapter 1: organization, management, Gross National Product, knowledge worker

Chapter 2: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards, demographics, psychographics

Chapter 3: innovation, paradigm, systematic abandonment, first owner of the space, space definer, niche players, last buggy whip manufacturers

Chapter 4: brainstorming 

Question & Answer
Drucker Article
-What term is Drucker credited with coining in 1959?
-What corporation did Drucker spend 2 years studying in the 1940's?
-What was Drucker awarded in July 2002?
-What are Drucker's 2 main beliefs about management?
-What Drucker book was voted the 3rd most influential management book of the 20th century?

Chapter 1
-In order, what were the 3 most profitable companies in 2011?
-What company is the leader in market share in the fast-food industry? What %?
-What company is the leader in market share in the beer industry? What %?
-What was the world's most powerful brand in 2012?
-What are the 6 functions of management?
-Be able to state the event, management model, & management type for the 4 US events that caused a paradigm change in management.
-What are the 3 fastest growing consumer purchases?
-Who did Home Depot pass all of its logistics off to?

Chapter 2
-What are the 3 reasons why the customer is in the driver's seat today?
-Be able to state the 3 levels of the Customer Satisfaction Model & what each is trying to accomplish.
-Be able to identify the examples of push & pull marketing that we discussed.
-What is the online payment business owned by eBay?
-What is the Internet phone service owned by eBay?
-How did Apple figure out that its customers wanted a car charger for the iPod?

Chapter 3
-Innovation is about doing one of or a combination of what 4 things?
-What book introduced the phrase "beat generation?"
-What was "beat generation" transformed to by the media in the late 1950's & 60's?
-What was Starbucks nationwide employee training day in 2008 called?
-What website did Dunkin Donuts create to make public the result of a 2008 taste test?
-What website did Starbucks create to seek help from the public about solving their problems?
-What product line was introduced in 2004 after Nike representatives observed Nike tracks athletes training barefoot?
-What product line launched in 2006 & is a collaboration between Nike & Apple?
-What % of their work time does Google encourage its engineers spend on brainstorming new ideas?
-What university did Drucker teach the first US course on innovation at?
-What was the critical innovation that morphed Scoot Lawn Care into a successful company?
-What was the first fluoride tootpaste?
-What was Colgate's breakthrough product?
-Be able to identify the 7 key sources of opportunities from the descriptions.

Chapter 4
-What are the 4 essential elements to creating brainstorming groups?
-What are the 4 rules to brainstorming?
-What 2 essentials make collaboration tick day to day & move with shortened windows of opportunity?
-What is the goal of the Myelin Repair Foundation?

Short Answer
Chapter 1
-What was the Silent Revolution?

Chapter 2
-How does Medtronic personify Drucker's ideal of customer focus?
-How do the Girl Scouts of America fit Drucker's belief that there is never only one customer?

Chapter 3
-How does Starbucks exemplify what Drucker considers to be true innovation?
-How did Kimberly Clark use systematic abandonment?
-How did Peapod use systematic abandonment?

Chapter 4
-What was Myelin Repair Foundation's collaboration model
-How id Dell a pioneer of collaboration?

-Chapter 3 discussion questions 1-3 were due.
-You took Quiz 7.
-We finished our discussion of Chapter 2 & began a discussion of Chapter 3.

-Greg Giguere will bring in a current event for us to discuss.
-Answer the BUAB Chapter 5 discussion questions.
-Answer the following Chapter 3 discussion questions:
4) What are the 3 ways that a clearly defined vision helps a company?
5) What is a mission statement? What are the main elements of a mission statement?
6) What is FPU's mission statement? How well do we follow it?

-There will be 3 different types of questions asked on the exam:
1) Definitions. I will give a definition & you will be asked to state the term.
Definition: All resources that determine the value & the competitiveness of a company. Answer: Intellectual Capital
2) Question & Answer. I will ask a straight forward question, and you will provide a straight forward answer.
Question: What is the oldest operating brewing company in the US? Answer: D.G. Yuengling & Son
3) Short answer. I will ask a question that requires a short, but detailed explanation.
Question: How does water impact beer? Answer: Beer is composed mostly of water (90%). Different regions have water with different mineral components that are better suited making certain types of beer.

Beer: Volstead Act, bootlegging, speakeasy, trub, craft brewery, brewpub

Chapter 1: entrepreneur, small business

Chapter 2: creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, intuition, creative destruction, convergent thinking, divergent thinking, brainstorming 

Chapter 3: intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital, customer capital, competitive advantage, vision, mission statement

Question & Answer
-In order, what are the 3 most popular drinks in the world?
-What is the largest brewer in the world & what is its global market share?
-Beer dates back to what year?
-What Sumerian poem was a beer recipe found in?
-What current common ingredient did early European beers not contain?
-According to Reinheitsgebot, what are the only ingredients allowed to be used for brewing beer?
-Reinheitsgebot was enacted for what 2 reasons?
-What is the oldest operating brewing company in the US?
-What % of beer is water?
-What is the most common starch source used in brewing beer?
-Hops provide what 2 main purposes to beer?
-What is responsible for fermentation in beer?
-When brewing beer, what is the resulting product after germination?
-When brewing beer, when kilning is complete what is the finished product?
-Lautering strains the sugar rich water to create what?
-Imortant decisions about flavor, color, & aroma are made during what brewing stage?
-What category of beer is made with top-fermenting strains of yeast?
-What category of beer is made with bottom-fermenting strains of yeast?
-What does ABV & IBU stand for?
-What is the current strongest beer in the world?
-Be able to identify the types of ales & lagers that we discussed.
-As of August 2012, what % of US breweries were craft breweries?
-What is the largest American craft brewery?

How Beer Saved The World
-The agricultural revolution was started by what?
-Who were the master brewers in medieval Europe?
-What group of people took over brewing & in the process transformed Europe?
-The struggle for freedom from the British began in what tavern?
-What new type of beer took America by storm in the 19th century?

Beer Wars
-What % of the US beer market dot he big 3 breweries make up?
-What % of beers sold today come from independent breweries?
-Who is the category captain in 75% of the top grocery chains?
-How many brands are part of the Anheuser-Busch family?
-Sam believes that life is too short to drink what kind of beer?

Chapter 1
-Be able to identify the entrepreneurial personality characteristic from the descriptions.
-Be able to identify the benefits of entrepreneurship from the descriptions.
-Be able to identify the potential drawbacks of entrepreneurship from the descriptions.
-What % of businesses in the US are considered small?
-What % of the nation's private sector workforce do small businesses employ?
-Almost what % of small businesses employ fewer than 20 workers?

Chapter 2
-Be able to identify the barriers to creativity from the descriptions.

Chapter 3
-Entrepreneurs should examine what 4 aspects of their businesses to define their company's competitive advantage?
-What question does a vision answer?
-What questions does a mission statement address?

Short Answer
Chapter 1
-In regards to displaying beer on shelves, what is the "billboard effect?"

Chapter 2
-How does Longtrail Brewing Company minimize the environmental impact the brewery has on the environment?

Chapter 3
-What is Whole Foods strategy for achieving competitive advantage?

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