Friday, September 21, 2007


Today: We viewed 2 video clips about setting goals and the obstacles that may get in the way of achieving them. The first was a clip about Rex Pemberton's expedition to the top of Mt. Everest and the second clip was about the "Everest Boys" and their journey to become the first humans to go from Pole to Pole using only manpower. We then discussed as a group the obstacles you may encounter while trying to achieve your 6 goal & how you can avoid/combat them.
Rex Pemberton
Everest Boys
Pole to Pole

Homework: Be ready to discuss potential civic engagement project ideas on Monday. Our Civic Engagement discussion on Wednesday & Friday will surround Unit 5 in the Common Reader & Question 8 from Three Cups of Tea. Have a great weekend!

Today: We took Quiz #2. Kevin stumped me with his Seinfeld trivia question although I am protesting. I just looked it up and the deal is that the character of Kramer is based on a neighbor of the show's co-creator Larry David named Kenny Kramer. For fear that naming the character after him may cause a lawsuit, Larry David & Jerry Seinfeld were going to name the character Kessler. Before production of the show started they decided to go with the name of Kramer so the name Kessler was never used in the actual show. We also had a group brainstorming session about research topics. I was pleased with all the ideas we discussed today. If you are still having trouble, please come see me.

Homework: Work on a research topic. The proposal is due next Friday. For Monday, read and be ready to discuss Drucker 18 & 19. Have a great weekend!

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