Monday, September 24, 2007


Today: We discussed the Civic Engagement Project portion of the semester. We decided that we will do a group project that will be a movie with the theme of what it is like to be a freshman at FPU. Hopefully this video can be used as an educational tool at future freshman orientations. We decided that the plot will be close friends who have just returned to FPU from Summer vacation and are entering their Senior year. They start to reminisce and tell stories about what it was like to first arrive at FPU as freshmen. We decided that the scenes will address issues that you all went through and are still going through.
Roommate issues
Meeting new people
Being homesick
Homework: Take a look at the issues list that we came up with in class and write down how you relate to them as college freshman. What are you personal stories surrounding these issues? You are to also complete Question #8 from the Three Cups of Tea question list.

Today: Drucker Chapters 18 & 19 focus on communication & leadership. We addressed this by taking a personal values assessment of ourselves. From a list, we chose the top 10 values that are important to each of us. We slowly narrowed the list down to the top 1 value. We then talked about why that value is important, why there wasn't much overlap in the class, and what we value in other people. Take a look at the PowerPoint notes on WebCt regarding these chapters.

Homework: Read Drucker Chapters 23 & 25. We will be doing a group activity on Wednesday based on our discussion today and the topics Drucker addresses in the chapters. The research proposal is due on Friday. Email me or come see me if you are having trouble narrowing down a topic.

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