Thursday, October 11, 2007


Today: We took Quiz #4 based on Chapter 6 in the textbook. We then discussed the second half of Chapter 6 as well as Chapters 7 & 8 from Into The Wild. Our discussion focused on the topics of:
-ABC Leisure Goals Rating System
-Swiss Cheese Approach to leisure goal fulfillment
-80/20 Rule of Leisure
-Personal Life Patterns
-What do we learn about Chris' relationships with girls?
-Why did Alaskan natives have such a negative attitude towards Chris' journey and his ultimate demise?
-Do you agree with Gene Rossillini's statement: "Humans today cannot live off of the land without access to modern technology."

Homework: Complete the leisure/non-leisure time journal. Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 7 (first half). Have a good weekend!

Today: We too Quiz #5 based on Chapter 5. After the quiz, Jean St. Pierre gave us a facility tour of the Bubble. You hopefully took note of:
-Cost to build
-Cost to maintain/operate
-Risk Management issues
-Activity/Program planning & implementation

Homework: Look over the group presentation outline and come to class on Tuesday with questions. Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 6. Have a good weekend!

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