Tuesday, January 29, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Check out this short video about Samaritan's Feet.

TODAY: We completed our discussion of Chapter 1 in the textbook. We focused on:
-Neulinger's Paradigm of Lesire
-Classical View of Leisure
-Antiutilitarian View of Leisure
-Social Instrument View of Leisure
-Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class

-Study for Quiz #1 (bring a Seinfeld trivia question)
-Start reading Into The Wild

-Definitions (Leisure, Work, Personal Care, Recreation)
-Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
-Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure
-Classical View of Leisure
-Antiutilitarian View of Leisure
-Social Instrument View of Leisure
-Leisure as a Symbol of Social Class

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We discussed Chapters 3 & 4 in Drucker. Our discussion focussed on the purpose of a business, objectives for all businesses, and what profit maximization & profit motive are.
-Purpose of a business: To create a customer
-Objectives of all businesses (6): Marketing, Innovation, Resources, Productiivity, Social Responsibility, Profit Requirements
-Profit Maximization: The process by which a firm determines the price & output level that returns the greatest profit.
-Profit Motive: Explanation for businessman's guide to right action.

-Study for Quiz #1 (bring in a Seinfeld trivia question).
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 5 in Drucker.
-Give thought to a research topic.

-3 managerial philosophies: Army Command Model, Assembly Line Model, Automation Model
-3 essential tasks of management?
-One true business resource?
-Main purpose of a business?
-Define Profit Maximization & Profit Motive
-6 business objectives?
-The business enterprise has 2 basic functions: marketing & innovation
- 2 areas of social responsibility? (Chapter 5)

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We finished discussing Chapters 1 & 2. We discussed the 3 essential management tasks: 1) Establishing the specific purpose & mission of the institution, 2) Making work productive & the worker effective, 3) Managing social impacts & social responsibilities. We then discussed Chapters 3 & 4 where we talked about how the purpose of a business is to create a customer. We discussed the concept of profit maximization as the process by which a firm determines the price & output level that returns the greatest profit. We finished class by discussing the objectives of all businesses: Marketing, Innovation, Resources, Productivity, Social Responsibility, Profit Requirements.

-Study for Quiz #1 (bring a Seinfeld trivia question).
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 5.
-Give thought to a research topic.

-3 Managerial Philosophies: Army Command Model, Assembly Line Model, Automation Model
-3 essential tasks of management?
-One true business resource?
-Main purpose of a business?
-Define Profit Maximization & Profit Motive
-6 business objectives?
-2 basic functions of the business enterprise: marketing & innovation
-2 areas of social responsibility (Chapter 5)

TODAY: We discussed the second half of Chapter 1. We took a look at the 5 components of the Managerial Grid Model: The Impoverished Style, The Country Club Style, The Produce or Perish Style, The Middle of the Road Style, The Team Style. We then moved on to discuss Policies & Procedures Manual (why they are important, what content they should contain, steps for developing). Lastly, we talked about sponsorships and the benefits for the sponsor as well as the facility/event.

-Study for Quiz #1 (bring a Seinfeld trivia question).

-Key quality for being a great leader? (PP on WebCT)
-Most valuable asset of a leader? (PP on webCT)
-Functional Leadership Model
-Managerial Grid Model
-Be able to explain the following legislation (Title VII, Title IX, ADA)
-Steps for developing a policies & procedures manual
-What benefits can sponsoring an event/facility do for the sponsor?
-What benefits can a sponsor do for the event/facility?

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