Friday, February 1, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Check out this article about the various revenue streams from the Super Bowl.

TODAY: We took Quiz #1 based on Chapter 1 in the textbook. I will have that graded and returned to you on Monday. We also individually completed & discussed as a class Exercise 1.1 based on Neulinger's Paradigm.

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 2 in the textbook.
-Take note of 2-3 commercials from the Super Bowl that you thought were effective from a consumer's perspective.
-Begin reading Into The Wild.
-I want to divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) next Wednesday for the group presentation assignment in April. Give thought to who you would like to work with.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We took Quiz #1 based on Drucker Chapters 1-5. I will have it graded and returned to you on Monday. We then discussed Drucker Chapter 5 and had a group discussion based on these 3 questions:
1) What are some positive & negative impacts business can do to/for society?
2) What does 21st century customers expect from business?
3) What are examples of social change/problems past & present that led to business opportunity?

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 6 & 7.
-Take note of 2-3 Super Bowl commercials that you, as a consumer, thought were effective.
-Give thought to a research topic.
-Next Wednesday we will divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you want to work with.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: Class canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #1 on Monday.
-We will discuss Chapter 5 after the quiz.
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapters 6 & 7. We will begin to discuss these chapters and hopefully finish the discussion no later than the beginning of class next Wednesday.
-Give thought to a research topic.
-Next Wednesday we will divide up groups (5 groups of 5-6 members) for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you want to work with.

TODAY: Class canceled due to weather.

-We will take Quiz #1 on Monday.
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 2.
-Take note of 2-3 Super Bowl commercials that you, as a consumer, thought were effective.
-We will divide up groups (3-4 members) on Wednesday for the group presentation assignment. Give thought to who you would like to work with.

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