Monday, February 4, 2008


ALL CLASSES: Check out this interesting article.

TODAY: After the grogginess/sadness/frustration/anger from the game subsided we had a good discussion based on Chapter 2 in the textbook. We discussed how as a society we went from having a lot of lesire time in the 1800's to having a reduction of free time in the 1900's. We defined "Leisure Class" as a large proportion of retired adults & "Leisure Ethic" as a decline of work ethic. We finished class discussing the future trends in free time.

Factors causing a decline in free time:
1) Limitless Materialism
2) Increase of women in the workforce
3) Increase in demand for service jobs
4) An increasingly complex society

Factors causing an increase in free time:
1) Technology in the workforce
2) Technology in our everyday lives
3) Baby Boom Generation (more retired people & medical advancements causing people to live longer)
4) Education Levels (birth rates declining & waiting longer to start families)

-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 3 (textbook)
-Who do you want to work with for the group presentation assignment?
-Into The Wild reading (Author's Note & Chapter 1) for Friday

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: I will attribute the sluggish discussion we had today to Super Bowl hangover. I expect we will be back on track on Wednesday. We discussed Chapters 6 & 7 in Drucker. The main points we hit on were:
-Four business principles:
1) Organization has to be transparent.
2) One person in an organization should have only one master.
3) Authority must be commensurate with responsibility.
4) An organization should be as flat as possible.
-Classification of employees:
1) Theory X: Assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work when possible. Employees show little ambition without incentives.
2) Theory Y: Assumes employees are ambitious, self-motivated, and are anxious to accept greater responsibility.
-One does not "manage" people. The task is to lead people. A manager is a leader.-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as it applies to managment:
5) Physiological Needs: Provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, & sufficient wages.
4) Safety Needs: Provide a safe working environment, retirement benefits, & job security.
3) Social Needs: Create a sense of community via team-based projects & social events.
2) Esteem Needs: Recognize achievements to make employees feel appreciated & valued.
1) Self-Actualization: Provide employees a challenge & the opportunity to reach their full career potential.

-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 8 & 9.
-Be ready to divide intogroups for the group presentation assignment.
-Research Topic Proposal due next Monday.

IC212 (2:00)
We took Quiz #1 from last week that was postponed due to weather. After the quiz we discussed Chapter 5 in Drucker. We had a group discussion based on the following questions:
-What are positive & negative impacts business can do to/for society?
-What does 21st century consumers expect from business?

-Be read to discuss Chapters 6 & 7 and 8 & 9. We will discuss 6 & 7 during the first part of class and 8 & 9 during the second half of class.
-On Friday we will divide into groups for the group presentation assignment in April. Think about who you want to work with.
-The Research Topic Proposal is due next Monday.

We took Quiz 1 from last week that was postponed due to weather. After the quiz we discussed the first half of Chapter 2. Our discussion focused on:
-Main components of Human Resource Management
-2 classifications of employees (Professional & Hourly)
-4 special types of employees (Part-time, Seasonal, Volunteers, Independent Contractors)
-3 types of employees (Engaged, Not-engaged, Actively Disengaged)

-Independent work for group wok on Wednesday:
Group 1: Why is in-service training important & what should be the elements of an effective program?
Group 2: Why is a rewards system essential to maintaining employee morale and what are examples of intrinsic & extrinsic rewards?
Group 3: What are the procedures for terminations by employee & procedures for termination by organization?
Group 4: What should be the procedure for an employee reporting inappropriate behavior (sexual harassment)?
-We will divide groups for the group presentation assignment in April (3 Groups of 4 & 2 Groups of 3)

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