Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We started class by dividing up into 5 groups for the group presentation. Your job now is to decide what country your group would like to present about. It will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, let me know ASAP what country your group wants. We then discussed Chapter 3. The 3 main topics we discussed were:
1) What are the benefits for studying leisure history?
2) What are some factors that have influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century?
3) What are some factors that will influence the development of the recreation movement in the 21st century?

-Study for Quiz #2 (Into The Wild & Textbook Chapters 2, 3)
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild: Author's Notes & Chapter 1

1) Into The Wild: Author's Notes & Chapter 1
2) Textbook Chapter 2
-Define "Leisure Class" "Leisure Ethic" "Limitless Materialism" (notes/textbook)
-Factors causing a decline in free time in the future (4 from notes)
-Factors causing an increase in free time in the future (4 from notes)
3) Textbook Chapter 3
-Factors that influenced the development of the recreation movement in the 20th century (we discussed 15 in the notes; be prepared to identify a couple of them)
-Factors that will influence the recreation movement in the 21st century (3 from notes)
-What was Judaism's major leisure "innovation?" (textbook)
-What is an "ambiguous free timer?" (textbook)

IC212 (10:00)
We started class by dividing up into 5 groups for the group presentation assignment. I will randomly assign each group chapters from The World is Flat. I will let you know within the next week what chapters each group will be covering. We then discussed Chapters 8 & 9 from Drucker. Chapter 8 focused on management/business structure. The Stonecutter's Story was used as a basis of this discussion. Give some thought to that story and what it may see it again in the not too distant future. Chapter 9's discussion focused on picking people as an executive decision. The main points that you should take away from Chapter 9 are:
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions.
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions.

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 10 & 11.
-Research Topic Proposal is due on Monday.

1) Chapters 6 & 7
-4 business principles (they tell us what not to do, not what to do)
-The difference between Theory X & Theory Y
-Know this: One does not "manage" people; the task is to lead people.
-The implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management
2) Chapters 8 & 9
-The Stonecutter's Story
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions
-The Peter Principle
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions
3) Chapters 10 & 11
-I'll let you off the hook. Nothing from these chapters will be on the quiz. But you better read them & be ready to discuss them. OR ELSE!!!

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We discussed Chapters 6 & 7 and 8 & 9 from Drucker. Chapters 6 & 7 focused on the 4 business principles that tell us what not to do, the difference between Theory X & Theory Y, and the implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management. Chapter 8 focused on management/business structure. The Stonecutter's Story was used as a basis of this discussion. Give some thought to that story and what it may see it again in the not too distant future. Chapter 9's discussion focused on picking people as an executive decision. The main points that you should take away from Chapter 9 are:
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions.
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions.

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
-Read & be ready to discuss Drucker Chapters 10 & 11.
-Think of who you want to work with on the group presentation assignment. We will divide up groups on Friday.
-Research Topic Proposal is due on Monday.

1) Chapters 6 & 7
-4 business principles (they tell us what not to do, not what to do)
-The difference between Theory X & Theory Y
-Know this: One does not "manage" people; the task is to lead people.
-The implication of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for management
2) Chapters 8 & 9
-The Stonecutter's Story
-The 4 basic principles of making people decisions
-The Peter Principle
-The 5 decision steps when making people decisions
3) Chapters 10 & 11
-I'll let you off the hook. Nothing from these chapters will be on the quiz. But you better read them & be ready to discuss them. OR ELSE!!!

We started class by dividing up into groups for the group presentation assignment. I will assign each group chapters form the textbook. This will be done within the next week. Our class discussion centered around the second half of Chapter 2. We discussed:
-Hiring process components
-In-service training
-Employee rewards system (intrinsic vs extrinsic)
-Termination by employee & organization
-Procedure for employee reporting inappropriate behavior

-Study for Quiz #2 (Chapter 2)

All answers can be found from class & WebCT notes.
-2 classifications of employees?
-4 special types of employees?
-3 categories of employees?
-What is the first step in the hiring process?
-What 3 things should a job description contain?
-What are the 4 elements of in-service training?
-Examples of extrinsic & intrinsic employee motivation?
-What is the first step in organizational procedure for employees reporting sexual harassment?

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