Wednesday, February 27, 2008


TODAY: We discussed the group presentation and assigned dates for each group. We finished our Chapter 6 discussion. We focused on:
-ABC Rating System
-"Transition Time"
-"Swiss Cheese" Approach
-80/20 Rule To Leisure
-Common Time Wasters (4)

HOMEWORK: There is no class this Friday. For Monday:
-Quiz #5 based on Textbook Chapter 6 & Into The Wild Chapters 6 & 7
-Daily Inventory due
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild Chapters 6 & 7
-We will start Textbook Chapter 7 discussion at the end of class

-Be able to explain some benefits of leisure planning & goal setting
-3 Types of Leisure Goals
-ABC Rating System
-Transition Time
-Swiss Cheese Approach
-80/20 Rule to Leisure
-Common Time Wasters (4)

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We watched & discussed a clip from The Corporation video about corporate marketing.

HOMEWORK: No class on Friday. Read & be ready to discuss the first half of Chapter 1 in The Corporation on Monday.

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We wathced and discussed a clip from the film, The Corporation, about what a corporation is.


TODAY: We discussed Chapter 5. Our discussion focused on:
-Program Development: 5 main categories of planners
-11 Program Development Elements
-5 Steps In Program Development
-4 goals to consider when determining program objectives
-5 common approaches to programming

-Quiz #5: Chapters 5 & 6
-Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 6

Chapter 5
-Program Development: 5 main categories of planners
-4 goals to consider when determining program objectives
-5 common approaches to programming
Chapter 6
-Define Internal Control
-5 Internal Control Components
-Define: Cash Flow, Operating Cash Flow, Cash Flow Budget

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