Sunday, March 2, 2008


TODAY: No class.

-Quiz #5: Textbook Chapter 6 & Into The Wild Chapters 6 & 7
-Daily Inventory due
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild Chapters 6& 7
-Read & be ready to discuss Textbook Chapter 7

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: No class.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of The Corporation Chapter 1

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We discussed premiere brands, brands that you are loyal to, & brands that do a good job at reaching college age demographic.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss the first half of The Corporation Chapter 1

TODAY: We took Quiz #5 based on Chapters 5 & 6. We discussed Chapter 6.

HOMEWORK: Read & be ready to discuss Chapter 7.

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