Monday, March 3, 2008


TODAY: We took Quiz #5 at the beginning of class. The quiz overed our textbook Chapter 6 discussion from last week as well as the reading assignment from Into The Wild Chapter 6 & 7. After the quiz we broke into smaller groups and discussed the following Into The Wild discussion questions:
-How can we explain Alex's bond with complete strangers, yet his lack of caring for his own family?
-In Chapter 5 we see a social side to Alex. How dies this fit into his need to constantly be on the move?
-In Chapter 6, what do we learn about Alex from his letter to Ron Franz?
-In Chapter 7, what do we learn about Chris & his relationship with girls?

-Bring your completed leisure/non-leisure daily inventories.
-Read & be ready to discuss Textbook Chapter 7.

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We started our discussion of Chapter 1 in The Corporation. We divided into small groups and each group was assigned a question. These questions will be a basis for our large discussion.
Group 1: How did the corporation become so powerful (history & evolution)?
Group 2: Explain how a corporation is a "person."
Group 3: Explain the birth of "New Capitalism" and its effect on corporate social responsibility.
All Groups: How do corporations use branding to create unique & attractive personalities for themselves?

-Each group should be ready to discuss their question.
-Give some thought to corporations that effectively brand "personalities" for themselves. What are the companies that do it well and what personality traits do they try to convey to the consumer?

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We started our discussion of Chapter 1 in The Corporation. We divided into small groups and each group was assigned a question. These questions will be a basis for our large discussion.
Group 1: How did the corporation become so powerful (history & evolution)?
Group 2: Explain how a corporation is a "person."
Group 3: Explain the birth of "New Capitalism" and its effect on corporate social responsibility.
All Groups: How do corporations use branding to create unique & attractive personalities for themselves?

-Each group should be ready to discuss their question.
-Give some thought to corporations that effectively brand "personalities" for themselves. What are the companies that do it well and what personality traits do they try to convey to the consumer?

TODAY: We discussed the first half of Chapter 7. Our discussion focused on facility revenue streams & financing. We discussed the 3 categories of facility revenue (pubic, private, public/private combination) as well as the 2 types of taxes (hard & soft).

-Be ready to discuss the second half of Chapter 7.
-You have been hired to raise $400 million dollars to finance a new Fenway Park. How will you raise the money? Public revenue streams? Private revenue streams? Check this out:New Fenway Park

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