Wednesday, March 5, 2008


TODAY: Class canceled.

HOMEWORK: Everything we were going to do today we will do on Friday, with the exception of the quiz which will be on Monday.
-Discuss daily inventory assignment
-Finish Textbook Chapter 7 discussion
-Read & be ready to discuss Into The Wild Chapters 8 & 9

IC212 (10:00)
TODAY: We finished The Corporation Chapter 1 discussion. We discussed what it means for a corporation to be considered a "legal person," the 2 most prominent features of incorporation (limited liability, perpetual lifetime), & the concept of New Capitalism and its effect on Corporate Social Responsibility.

-Quiz #5: The Corporation Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 (first half)
-Read & be ready to discuss The Corporation Chapter 2 (first half)

-Different forms of a corporation
-South Sea Company
-Bubble Act
-Explain what it means for a corporation to be a "person"
-Limited Liability
-Perpetual Lifetime
-New Capitalism
-Corporate Social Responsibility
-Sustainable Development
-Explain "capitalism with a conscience"

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We finished The Corporation Chapter 1 discussion. We discussed what it means for a corporation to be considered a "legal person," the 2 most prominent features of incorporation (limited liability, perpetual lifetime), & the concept of New Capitalism and its effect on Corporate Social Responsibility.

-Quiz #5: The Corporation Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 (first half)
-Read & be ready to discuss The Corporation Chapter 2 (first half)

-Different forms of a corporation
-South Sea Company
-Bubble Act
-Explain what it means for a corporation to be a "person"
-Limited Liability
-Perpetual Lifetime
-New Capitalism
-Corporate Social Responsibility
-Sustainable Development
-Explain "capitalism with a conscience"

TODAY: We finished the Chapter 7 discussion. Our discussion focused on the 4 types of hard taxes, the 5 types of soft taxes, the advantages & disadvantages of private funding, & various forms of private funding resources.

-Quiz #6: Chapter 7
-New Fenway Park financing assignment

-Due to the incessant complaining regarding how the weekly quizzes have been conducted & graded, I have decided to change the routine. There will be no study guide for this week's quiz. You should review everything we discussed, the WebCT notes, as well as the chapter itself.

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