Monday, March 24, 2008


Welcome back! Isn't 30 degrees in Rindge so much better than 85 degrees in Florida?

TODAY: We began our textbook Chapter 10 discussion. We did small group work on Exercise 10.1, and then discussed as a class. This led into a discussion about social trends contributing to shutting people off from interacting with one another. We discussed these trends:
1) High Crime Rates
2) Fear of Crime
3) High Divorce Rates
4) Reliance on Technology

-On Wednesday we will finish the textbook Chapter 10 discussion.
-On Friday we will take Quiz #8 based on textbook Chapter 10.
-Before Friday's class Into The Wild Blog Posting #3 is due.
-Group Presentations: 4/2, 4/4, 4/7, 4/9, 4/11

IC212 (10:00)
Here is the link to the youtube video about Chapter 4.

TODAY: We started our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 4. Our discussion centered around the question: "The law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered." Why? We discussed:
-Business Opposition to Regulation
-Political Contributions
-Sophisticated P.R. Campaigns

For Wednesday's class, please read the following paragraph and give thought to the subsequent question.
A coup is no longer necessary for the corporation to dominate governments. Capitalism's protagonists and players are the new high priests of our day. Industry and government have become intertwined to the extent that it's hard to tell when one ends and the other begins. But citizens are resisting and protesting their dissent to the centralization of power in corporate hands. The corporation has responded by enacting programs of corporate social responsibility.
Are they just a tactic responding to market pressure?

-Finish Chapter 4 discussion focusing on the above paragraph & question.
-Review of Literature due Wednesday.
-Quiz #7 (Chapter 4) on Friday.
-Outline due 4/14.
-Group Presentations: 4/9, 4/11, 4/14, 4/16, 4/18.

IC212 (2:00)
Here is the link to the youtube video about Chapter 4.

TODAY: We started our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 4. Our discussion centered around the question: "The law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered." Why? We discussed:
-Business Opposition to Regulation
-Political Contributions
-Sophisticated P.R. Campaigns

For Wednesday's class, please read the following paragraph and give thought to the subsequent question.
A coup is no longer necessary for the corporation to dominate governments. Capitalism's protagonists and players are the new high priests of our day. Industry and government have become intertwined to the extent that it's hard to tell when one ends and the other begins. But citizens are resisting and protesting their dissent to the centralization of power in corporate hands. The corporation has responded by enacting programs of corporate social responsibility.
Are they just a tactic responding to market pressure?

-Finish Chapter 4 discussion focusing on the above paragraph & question.
-Review of Literature due Wednesday.
-Quiz #7 (Chapter 4) on Friday.
-Outline due 4/14.
-Group Presentations: 4/9, 4/11, 4/14, 4/16, 4/18.

Here is the link to the video that we were suppose to watch.

TODAY: Well, we got a little off track today with our discussion, but it was a good discussion nonetheless. If you are interested, here is a link about the book Blink and here is a link to Harvard's implicit attitude tests. Click on demonstration and check them out.

-We will discuss all of Chapter 9 on Wednesday so be ready to discuss.
-Quiz #8 based on Chapter 9 will be on Friday.
-Group Presentation: 4/4, 4/7, 4/9, 4/11.

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