Tuesday, March 25, 2008


TODAY: We finished our discussion of textbook Chapter 10. Our discussion focused on:
-Loneliness vs Social Interaction
-Negative Effects of Television
-3 Types of Friendships

-Into The Wild Blog Post #3 is due before Friday's class.
-Quiz #8 based on textbook Chapter 10.
-No class on Monday 3/31
-Group Presentations: 4/2, 4/4, 4/7, 4/9, 4/11

-Social trends contributing to shutting people off from interacting with one another. (4)
-Negative effects of television.
-Types of friendships
-What is the "leisure pool?"
-What is the author talking about when he discusses, "unplugging the plug-in drug?"
-What has become an annual event whose effort is to redirect attention away from the television and towards other forms of leisure activities?
-What are the 3 ways that listening to music can act as a social deterrent?

IC212 (10:00)
Here is the Greenpeace 'Guide to Greener Electronics' list that I was talking about. The company I was trying to think of was Nintendo. On a scale of 0 -10, they are listed as a 0.3, up from a 0.0 when the list was last issued.

TODAY: We finished our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 4. Our discussion focused on:
-Are corporations just responding to market pressures corporate social responsibility programs?
-The 4 myths of CSR.

-Quiz #7 based on The Corporation Chapter 4.
-Group Presentations: 4/9, 4/11, 4/14, 4/16, 4/18
-Outline due 4/14

-The 4 myths of CSR.
-The 4 reasons the law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered.
-The 4 main reasons why certain corporate executives opposed FDR's New Deal.
-What act was passed by Congress in 1952 in order to make the coal mining industry safer?
-In the mid-1970's the Supreme Court decided that what Amendment extended constitutional protection to corporate financing of elections?
-Anne Wexler is mentioned often in the chapter. What job does Wexler hold in Washington, D.C.?

IC212 (2:00)
TODAY: We finished our discussion of The Corporation Chapter 4. Our discussion focused on:
-Are corporations just responding to market pressures corporate social responsibility programs?
-The 4 myths of CSR.

-Quiz #7 based on The Corporation Chapter 4.
-Group Presentations: 4/9, 4/11, 4/14, 4/16, 4/18
-Outline due 4/14

-The 4 myths of CSR.
-The 4 reasons the law's ability to protect people & the environment from corporate harm has suffered.
-The 4 main reasons why certain corporate executives opposed FDR's New Deal.
-What act was passed by Congress in 1952 in order to make the coal mining industry safer?
-In the mid-1970's the Supreme Court decided that what Amendment extended constitutional protection to corporate financing of elections?
-Anne Wexler is mentioned often in the chapter. What job does Wexler hold in Washington, D.C.?

Here is an article about the Red Sox/EMC partnership.

TODAY: We finished our discussion of Chapter 9. Our discussion focused on:
-Marketing activities as promotions (4).
-The 80/20 rule.
-5 steps to effective selling
-The ABC method
-Common types of advertising (4)
-The Wal-Mart approach to knowing the customer
-3 customer labels (by need)

-Quiz #8 based on Chapter 9
-Group Presentations: 4/4, 4/7, 4/9, 4/11

-Promotions are designed to stimulate what 3 things for the customer?
-What are the 4 main marketing promotional activities?
-Of the 4 above, what are the 2 most widely used?
-On average, how much more does it cost to attract a new fan than retain an existing fan?
-What are the 5 steps to personal selling?
-What is the ABC Method of Selling?
-What are the 4 most common types of advertising?
-What advertising method is the most effective mass marketing strategy?
-What are the 3 customer labels by need?
-What are the 4 steps to knowing the customer (Wal-Mart Approach)?
-What are the 4 basic customer needs when ordering products over the internet?

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